OK. You said you were recording CD-4? I guess I don't understand why you are passing a signal through the TV?
What device are you recording to?
Help me understand, you lost me here guy.
Very simple: I recorded all my vinyl that time on PC and got angry that all Quadradisc are distorted, sharp brazz. some years later I got the idea what happend: I recorded accidentally the 30kHz carrier on a normal receiver without filters.
So I took a closer look at it and recorded the whole bandwidth and played it back to the CD-4 demodulator: it works very fine. (using 192kHz/24bit .wav)
That technic needs only a wire behind the RIAA, but works perfect. I play all my music from a media-player (2TB HD). I'm to lazy to always jump off, changing LP or DVD or searching on a tape. Selecting the next song with remote control or by playlist.
Of course the media-player is connected with the TV-screen (RGB) and normal audio to the receiver.
Don't have to send the 30kHz to the TV, but one port blocked by TV = all ports blocked/limited.
Now I got some 4CH (Flac) files and bought an Scarlett 4i4: USB from PC to Scarlett, and from there into the 4CH amp. But don't want to use always a PC, media-player is much more handsome. Mine have only a 2CH out, but Dolby systems offer more.
So I'm searching for a:
media player with Dolby (or not) playable wav or flac:
4 x Out to amplifier, 2 TB HD, RGB to TV (not HDMI, will limit frequency), USB or Net for loading.
No CD/DVD needed (mine are all gone into tray)