I think @dr. simple uses a NUC with Windows and Kodi. Maybe PM him to check if it’s playing 88.2 and what his settings are?
Sounds like the correct driver.I downloaded Kodi for 64-bit Windows today, from the Kodi site, so I presume what I got is whatever is the latest.
Just to be clear I'm talking about multichannel 88.2/24 files. I haven't tried any two channel files.
The HDMI devices available are DIRECTSOUND and WASAPI. I have always used WASAPI out with foobar2K, and the mch 88.2/24 files play fine from that.
Kodi doesn't throw an error btw; the file is shown as playing, the progress bar moves, but the output is silence. Mch 94/24 and 48/24 files produce correct sound output.
It took me a few days to check, but yes. These are basically the same settings I am using except my system is limited to 5.1, so number of channels is different and both Audio Output Device and Passthrough Output Device is HDMI via my pre/pro.WASAPI: DENON AVR HDMI (I'm paraphrasing, as I'm no longer at home)
WASAPI: default
that's all.
There is a DIRECTSOUND output for the Denon HDMI output too, but that's even worse than the WASAPI device in terms of what 'works' ( I can't even get multichannel from it)
The Kodi settings for audio output ,as I said , are what's in the Wiki page, i.e., these:
Kodi Settings AVR HDMI (HD Audio) Audio Output Device HDMI Number of channels 7.1 Output configuration Best Match Stereo upmix Disabled Normalize levels on downmix Disabled Resample quality Medium Keep audio device alive 1 min Enabled passthrough Enabled Passthrough output device HDMI Dolby Digital (AC3) capable receiver Enabled Enabled Dolby Digital transcoding Disabled DTS capable receiver Enabled TrueHD capable receiver Enabled DTS-HD capable receiver Enabled
And as I said, the other multichannel formats I've tried -- 96/24 PCM, bistreamed DTS, bitstreamed DTS 96/24, play fine, as do the 88.2/24 files if I pre-convert them up or down. The fact that the DTS files play indicates bit-perfect output.
What are your settings?
Music-->Categories-->Playlists-->New Playlist--> ??
5) Is there any way to get Kodi to display the sample rate and bit depth of a file it's playing?
3) Kodi doesn't like my tagging; a bunch of files have been categorized into a 'Missing' folder as a result. Bite me, Kodi!
2) Kodi likes to hog the entire screen. Sometimes I need to leave kodi to see something in, say, a browser. I have yet to figure out a way to do this without shutting down kodi. (E.g., 'esc' doesn't do it; and there's no 'minimize' icon I can see)
4) Kodi doesn't like my tagging; a bunch of files have been categorized into a 'Missing' folder as a result. Bite me, Kodi!
Bad news: trying to use kodi with just a Win10 laptop keyboard/touchpad is almost hilariously non-intuitive.
It's my fuzzy recollection that a year or so ago @HomerJAU asked the Kodi people about the possibility of adding a "channels" 'Node' (? I think that's what they're called) that would allow you to basically show only tracks with greater than stereo channels, which would probably eliminate your need for creating a surround playlist. I'm not sure if anything ever came of this, maybe he can advise on the progress. I think for me that's the one major functionality from Kodi that I'm missing at the moment, the ability to browse just my surround content.
I'm late to the party. I've only recently purchased an Intel NUC 10th Gen i5, and I am running Windows 10 64bit on it, with Kodi/Foobar, plus other audio/video software. I'm experiencing the same issue, with the follwing sample rates: 88.2 and 176.4. I've tested both stereo and surround files, with various formats, and am pretty sure the problem lies in the sample rate.I'm trying Kodi today, on a Win10 64bit laptop, versus foobar2k which is my default. I configured Kodi as per the last column (AVR HDMI) in this chart. Connection is HDMI to Denon AVR. Kodi output device is WASAPI to the Denon. Tested with various multichannel files and formats
Everything works except for 88.2/24 WAV/FLAC files . Which is a pity since all of my SACD rips are in that format.
When converted to 48/24 or 96/24 , such files work in Kodi. Foobar + WASAPI can play the 88.2/24 files without any fuss. So the issue is with Kodi. Any ideas how to fix, if possible?