I'm not out and out stating it's encoded, just conceivable.If you say it was not and never was, well ok.But let's examine somethings regarding matrixing for quad.
Now encoding for a matrix quad product is relatively simple and people should be made aware of this.
I know because I have encoded discrete Q4 source through a quad encoder to a 2ch tape recorder. (4-4-4) to (4-2-4) Which simply means 4 discrete ( 4 very separate ) into the encoder which reads the 4ch signal and consequently "imbeds" a 4ch signal to a 2ch tape source.
And of course the "embedded" matrix quad is now contained in the 2ch source tape which can be utilized to make/cut a vinyl record.
But of course you know this being an engineer who has mixed and would have been made available to this process. (Re : The Flame )
I mention this because others might not.
Anyway, given the timeline 71/72, we had matrix quad discs being made, or coming on board (EV-4, QS, SQ) and prior DY-4D also known as Dynaquad.This was the "flowering" of quad matrix vinyl timeline, afterall.
The labels were scrambling to get quad product out in vinyl to the majority of audiophile buying public.
As to your ascertain that artists had to all bring a a remixed from multi , well this occured quite frequently indeed.
Columbia records (CBS) did this most often as (and WEA) "dual inventory" discs, separate stereo and quad albums.
So a single inventory disc utilizing Dynaquad could have occurred, but you say no way, so ok.
Often older recordings were recorded in quad be they matrix quad or discrete.Recordings mixed in stereo in the 60's with multi tracks came out later in quad.
BTW we know Columbia Records were mixing in quad tape (Q4) early on in the late 60's.Thanks to Thomas Mowery's info on his and David Scheiber tape encode mix supplied with COLUMBIA RECORDING ARTISTS.This tape encode was done as a presentation/promotion of the Scheiber matrix system in late 69.
That's a chap you should seek out.Quite interesting and personable-Thomas Mowery.And he started recording in quad Q4 for DGG in 70.But that label did not release any commercial quad vinyl, etc.
Now it would seem that David Hafler (Dynaco) was also "hoodwinked" as he supplied a list of (2 dynaquad) albums that were recommended for their decoder.
list of albums Dynaco supplied for Ken Sessions book on four channel,2nd edition.

It's rare but you also know as I do that you can run a 2ch source through a quad encoder to record a "quad like" or surround effect.This was mostly utilized of course for Fm broadcasting.
What's the difference in your latest post regarding; virtual surround matrix and virtual matrix ?
and "Surf's Up was mixed in 2ch stereo using a virtual surround matrix"
"The matrix requires a decoder that can be applied before or after the album is cut" Do you mean ENCODER? before Then Decoder after ?
Sorry for "ripping the bandaid off the wound" so to speak,
thankyou for your reply,