There was still some 'residue' though - the below image is zoomed out full (time) but vertically zoomed in
Inaudible when playing at normal levels. I wonder why there’s only those parts that are not identical?
There was still some 'residue' though - the below image is zoomed out full (time) but vertically zoomed in
When the Atmos decode to 9.1.6 is hanging, I found all individual channel wav files in ...AppData\Local\Temp\MMH\DecodeYes it supported. I’ll add to the MMH tool. Interesting to hear what you get from the wides.
They all 9.1.6 individual wav files look complete.
Yes. waiting for some time for the remaining processes hanging with No CPU, and refreshing the files explorer window you get the full size of the file to appear. Then, with "cancel" the Decode window and closing the MMH windows all files are unlocked.Interesting. So all 16 files are same size?
In my testing there seemed to be a few that were 0 bytes.
I’ll do more testing on 9.1.6 decodes.
But Selecting Output: 9.1.6, it does not work and hangs without completion.
My guess is that there's a little clock drift when captuing the output of the DRP with another app. The MMH conversation should be free of that stuff.Correct... Now I'm home I time aligned and they canceled out almost perfectly. There was still some 'residue' though - the below image is zoomed out full (time) but vertically zoomed in:
View attachment 87564
Oops. Atmos decoder (beta) do strange things. It has been after a try of a complete Blu-ray Atmos track without spliting in chapters. It went OK but failed at the end process of compiling the mch WAV. I think some limit was exceeded. The MMH\Decode temp files I think were OK for level listening.
Trying a small split chapter, the 9.1.6 Output has a very high level and clipped. I have never changed the default setting "Apply Channel Gain: 10,0"
Trying again the 7.1.4 output the compilation of the interleaved mch WAV file fails and gives an empty file at the final output.
Testing with TrueHD Atmos. Yesterday was with DD+ Atmos and the channel levels at 7.1.4 did look OK for me withoput changing the Channel Gain: 10,0
I do not have time now to continue testing. I'll do later, after restarting Windows, just in case something was gone bad when trying the whole Blu-Ray.
set path=%path%;"C:\Program Files (x86)\sox-14-4-1";"C:\Program Files (x86)\eac3to";"D:\Dropbox\Portable software\PortableApps\ffmpeg\bin";
SET vol=-200
FOR %%x in (%*) do (
Echo Getting Peak Level of %%~nx%%~xx...
ffmpeg.exe -i "%%~nx%%~xx" -filter:a volumedetect -f null /dev/null 2>Stats.txt
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=@[]: " %%A IN (Stats.txt) DO IF %%C==max_volume Echo Peak level of %%~nx%%~xx = %%DdB
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=@[]: " %%A IN (Stats.txt) DO IF %%C==max_volume IF %%D LSS !vol! SET vol=%%D
del Stats.txt
Echo Overall Peak Level = %vol%dB
IF NOT %vol:~0,1%==- ECHO Peak Level is greater that 0dB& goto Abort
SET Gain=%vol:~1,-2%%vol:~-1%
SET Gain=!GAIN:~0,-1!.!GAIN:~-1!
Echo %Gain%dB of Gain to be Applied to All Tracks
md Gain
FOR %%x in (%*) do (
ECHO Adding %Gain%dB of Gain to %%~nx%%~xx and saving as %%~nx.wv...
ffmpeg.exe -hide_banner -loglevel error -y -i "%%~nx%%~xx" -filter:a "volume=%GAIN%dB" "Gain\%%~nx.wv"
Echo %Gain%dB of Gain Added to All Tracks
I'd prefer this is optional, as I like the bit perfect rip straight from the MKV/Blu-ray Disc, without adding gain that wasn't in the original.Hi Garry,
I'm trying to write a batch script that will take a set of 5.1.4 wav files converted using MMH Atmos Decode to do the following:
1) Find peak level from the set of files
2) Calculate gain required (i.e. peak level from step 1 minus 0.1dB
3) Apply uniform gain to wav files and save as WavPack
4) Transfer tags from original source Atmos files to WavPack files
The following batch file works fine for steps 1 to 3, but the resultant WavPack files are 32 bit, not 24 bit (as per the wav files) and refuse to play in Foobar. I haven't got to step 4 yet...
@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set path=%path%;"C:\Program Files (x86)\sox-14-4-1";"C:\Program Files (x86)\eac3to";"D:\Dropbox\Portable software\PortableApps\ffmpeg\bin"; SET vol=-200 FOR %%x in (%*) do ( Echo Getting Peak Level of %%~nx%%~xx... ffmpeg.exe -i "%%~nx%%~xx" -filter:a volumedetect -f null /dev/null 2>Stats.txt FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=@[]: " %%A IN (Stats.txt) DO IF %%C==max_volume Echo Peak level of %%~nx%%~xx = %%DdB Echo. FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=@[]: " %%A IN (Stats.txt) DO IF %%C==max_volume IF %%D LSS !vol! SET vol=%%D del Stats.txt ) Echo Overall Peak Level = %vol%dB IF NOT %vol:~0,1%==- ECHO Peak Level is greater that 0dB& goto Abort SET Gain=%vol:~1,-2%%vol:~-1% SET /A "GAIN=GAIN-1" SET Gain=!GAIN:~0,-1!.!GAIN:~-1! Echo %Gain%dB of Gain to be Applied to All Tracks md Gain FOR %%x in (%*) do ( ECHO Adding %Gain%dB of Gain to %%~nx%%~xx and saving as %%~nx.wv... ffmpeg.exe -hide_banner -loglevel error -y -i "%%~nx%%~xx" -filter:a "volume=%GAIN%dB" "Gain\%%~nx.wav" ) Echo %Gain%dB of Gain Added to All Tracks Echo. :Abort pause
Any thoughts? it would be great if MMH could do all the above by default
I have never changed the default setting "Apply Channel Gain: 10,0"
Please, any help on how to clean everything and reinstal again? Asuming MMH is not broken but my PC
I just poseted a little article about the latest developments
Any thoughts? it would be great if MMH could do all the above by default
The script works out the gain based on all tracks in the album by finding the overall peak level, so that the relative levels remain as original. This will compensate for the unusually low levels output by the DRP conversion.Nice idea.
An issue with this is it pushes all the songs in an album to the same peak volume. I prefer to use ReplyGain on my music. That finds a gain factor based on all tracks of the album, so when applied the track peaks remain relative (e.g. a quiet acoustic track vs loud electric track).
I would be possible to get ReplayGain stats for each file and apply permanent gain to each based on that.
My player supports reply gain tags so actually no need to permanently alter the file, just save the ReplayGain tags. Although that only works if the WAVs are for playback. Another use case is to permanently edit individual channel volumes to change perceived ‘immersive balance’ before playback (Or even a channel swap or two).
Let‘s look at this once the MMH Atmos Decoder is completed.
No sure when/why your ‘default’ became 10, but the initial value should be 1 (no gain change). 10 would destroy the mix. I usually use around 3 but 1 gives same results as DRP player.
MMH ‘remembers’ a user’s last setting so once set at any value it remains until a user changes it again.
What is the BD title that crashes on a full non-split MKV file? It’s possible one of the chapter’s decoded WAVs is > 4GB. Currently MMH presumes that won’t happen (but of course it can). I suspect That’s the issue and need to be checked. I’ll do that now.