300 Club - QQ All-Star
I was really hoping to hear the quad mix too. Oh well 
Jon, I think you are perfectly within bounds to express your frustration over the lack of Quad mixes on MOFI SACDs, mostly because it prevents other SACD-oriented record labels (like Audio Fidelity and Analogue Productions) from releasing a great Quad SACD themselves.
I, for one, will continue to not support MOFI as long as they are involved in deliberately quad-blocking albums from getting a Quad SACD release.
We see it as 'Quad-Blocking', but I am sure they just see it as a title they want to release on their label. I doubt they are sitting around saying "Let's release this title so that another label will not be able to release it with a quad mix as well". That's not what ticks me off as a quad-freak minority music-buyer. What ticks me off is they appear to not even consider investigating the inclusion of the quad mix. AF has showed that it can be done without an increase in list price, so what's the big deal MoFi? Do it and restore your heritage.
We see it as 'Quad-Blocking', but I am sure they just see it as a title they want to release on their label. I doubt they are sitting around saying "Let's release this title so that another label will not be able to release it with a quad mix as well". That's not what ticks me off as a quad-freak minority music-buyer. What ticks me off is they appear to not even consider investigating the inclusion of the quad mix. AF has showed that it can be done without an increase in list price, so what's the big deal MoFi? Do it and restore your heritage.
One of the Ray Charles discs still shows as $29.99 (?)
One of the Ray Charles discs still shows as $29.99 (?)
I hope they release THIS ONE in the fall..they actually have a tentative date on this one which usually doesn't happen with these MoFi titles..
Will it have better sound or some other advantage over the MC version?