I'm not sure about all the versions on this release but I did check "Just The Way You Are" and the running time is 1 minute longer than the CD version according to the times listed
Since I was listening to "Just The Way You Are" on the new SACD release...I decided to compare that song to the surround version from the Stranger SACD...the same running time so it must be the LP expanded version...as to the sound comparison...I was surprised to see that the surround version(which IMO is excellent)is only slightly better than the new stereo SACD...a little more space and dimension....but I expected it to be much better....
I had the same mindset about the previous Billy Joel SACD releases from MoFi after reading the comments from various sources...so I just bought the surround versions...which I have been very pleased with...of course you can't please everybody...even with the surround versions... as some thought there was too much separation...mainly too much center channel useage...but IMO this new stereo release is special...I think it's as well done as stereo versions can be of these songs...the only thing that could top this is if every song was in surround on these 2 discs....and that's never going to happen...of course that won't stop someone from demanding it on these forums....
This title is now one of my favorites...I love it....I've played it so much and can't get enough...it's instant gratification for me...even though I have surround versions of some of these songs.... this is now my "go to version"...if you like Billy Joel you NEED this title
Ralphie...Snood...Simon...you need to follow Gos and purchase this...I feel confident giving my thumbs up to you guys as we share a musical bond....