I don't think the 5.1 is
that bad. It's no White album and like GOS said, considering it's the same era and
virtually same physical location the recording equip
had to be very similar but from what I'm reading I guess something happened to the Masters, not all but some???
Anyway, this is similar to Jacko's
Brain Salad Surgery. He definitely has a different perspective and I can tell it's either one you like or hate, there is no middle ground.
I will say that the fidelity,
even though muddy on most of the 5.1, does sound descent/better if cranked up loud (I can't emphasize that enough). Lower volumes will just mush it into an already mushy mess. It sounds very similar to an analog LP. I feel I'm 10 years old listening to this album on my parents system, but it was that system that turned me on to music and there is a bit of nostalgic sound in this mix if you know what I'm saying. I'm saying analog sounding digital mixes aren't all that bad. At least they don't have that shrill digital sound from over processed digital recordings.
I like the menu with the psilo inspired flashes that Halbroome mentioned (no it's not your imagination, it's my imagination your imagining lol). I do wish they had the option to remove the pictures of the band repeating themselves and the titles just so it was the illustration only in all it's trippy, flashing glory. Would make an nice screensaver if they did
Departure - strong opening
Ride my See-Saw - WTF? How can you fuk up
this Signature song like others have said. BuzzKill is right. My 10 year old niece could do a better job. This gets a 0. Still shaking my head
House of the four doors (Part 1 and 2) - Good (not great), trippy
just the way it should be. Play that shit LOUD!
Legend of a Mind - I'm bias, it's my favorite song, almost ever - Good showing. Not great or spectacular but not bad but has that trippy vibe the band was surely going for. I just wish it was better (more professionally) done but still satisfying. It's Jacko, love him or hate him. I think I get what's he's going for it's just he doesn't really pull it off but if he did I would like it. I'm saying I don't mind Jacko's style, he just needs to be more consistent and a little more proficient at surround. Like GOS said, the flutes are the highlight.
Voices in the sky - Great song, OK mix
The Best Way to Travel -another Great song, another OK mix but not bad because of the pans. Esoteric sounds in the surrounds help this songs mix. Wish this song had be done better. Another favorite song of mine. Very analog sounding.
Visions of Paradise - another favorite song of mine (can you tell I like this albums content,
a lot lol)- not bad, same as the other OK mixed songs
The Actor - Good song. Not great mix. Bland, Boring. Muddy, similar to ride my see-saw but not that bad but surely could have been done better.
The Word - OK but could be
a lot clearer
Om - Good Song. This one
could have shined in surround but it's just barely OK. And am I the only one who hears almost the exact same Indian chords from
George Harrison's "Within You Without You" and even basically the same song concept? Who stole who?
But now after listening to the New 96/24 Stereo Mix I am utterly confounded. Why didn't Jacko just upmix that stereo mix and use the fidelity off of that instead of whatever source he used for the surround mix??
New 2018 Stereo Mix - Fantastic. One of the best Stereo Mixes I've ever heard!
New 2018 Surround Mix - Muddy in Comparison fidelity wise to the New 2018 Stereo Mix but still has a full analog sound.
The New 2018 Stereo mix is worth my purchase as it sounds the best
I've ever heard this album.