Music Media Helper (Tools for Multichannel Audio & Music Videos)


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OK @HomerJAU some additional information.

I split the MKV into chapter MKV files to work around the stoppage after chapter 1.
Now, I can't convert any chapter beyond chapter 2, into a WAV with greater than 8 channels.
I can convert everything, doing each chapter MKV individually, into stereo, or 5.1.2, without any issues.

This is similar to the DRP issue when adding files beyond chapter 1. That workaroud was of course changing it to 8 channels when importing, then switching to 16 before playback. Not sure how to proceed on this one now.

Any ideas?
Hi @HomerJAU I can successfully player these problematic chapters in the DRP, but can't convert them via MMH/DRP to anything beyond 8 channels.

This seems like the same issue cuased by importing anything after chapter 1 and leaving the Presentation setting at 16 channels. It must be set to 8 for import, then 16 for playback.

Hi. This issue has been reported on QQ previously and is caused by disc authoring errors (chapter times in incorrect format).

I’ll take a look when I get back from my holiday at end of July. Maybe U can find a workaround, like using the MMH chapter editor to create the correct chapter times.

Hi. This issue has been reported on QQ previously and is caused by disc authoring errors (chapter times in incorrect format).

I’ll take a look when I get back from my holiday at end of July. Maybe U can find a workaround, like using the MMH chapter editor to create the correct chapter times.

I tried using MMH to remove chapter 1 and write in the MKV that chapter 1 starts at 9:19, but when using the MMH Atmos Helper it seems to always start at 0:00 and will crap out at 9:18.

Any more hints on how to get around this are much appreciated.

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 7.25.34 AM.png
Music Media Helper 8.0.3 Released today

Version 8.0.3a (August 7 2024)
Tagging from Musicbrainz dialog: MMH 8.0.3 failed with GDI+ error saving cover & disc art from to file- fixed @Fantomas @Nevrim
Scrape a Concert Folder tool: MMH 8.0.3 failed with GDI+ error saving pictures to file - fixed @M-K
Scrape a Concert Folder tool: Failed to save Performer images to disc - fixed in 8.0.3a published on August 7 2024 @M-K

Updated 3rd party UI controls to latest 24.1.4
Updated MKVToolnix to 86.0
Updated MediaInfo to 24.06

Arrived back about 10 days ago but took a while to solve the GDI+ error when saving downloading art work.

I was also down for the count after picking up flu on our drive home. Presumed it was Covid but we tested negative. We'd had the flu shot earlier this year, but was the worst of flu for me in many years. I'm still not 100% but got out of the house today for first time since we got back home.
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I was also down for the count after picking up flu on our drive home. Presumed it was Covid but we tested negative. We'd had the flu shot earlier this year, but was the worst of flu for me in many years. I'm still not 100% but got out of the house today for first time since we got back home.
I guess it's still winter-time in your part of the world...
Music Media Helper 8.0.3 Released today

Version 8.0.3 (August 6 2024)
Tagging from Musicbrainz dialog: MMH 8.0.3 failed with GDI+ error saving cover & disc art from to file- fixed @Fantomas @Nevrim
Scrape a Concert Folder tool: MMH 8.0.3 failed with GDI+ error saving pictures to file - fixed @M-K

Updated 3rd party UI controls to latest 24.1.4
Updated MKVToolnix to 86.0
Updated MediaInfo to 24.06

Arrived back about 10 days ago but took a while to solve the GDI+ error when saving downloading art work.

I was also down for the count after picking up flu on our drive home. Presumed it was Covid but we tested negative. We'd had the flu shot earlier this year, but was the worst of flu for me in many years. I'm still not 100% but got out of the house today for first time since we got back home.
Thank you Garry!

The GDI Error is gone, but the artist pictures are still not stored. The "Selected Art NOT saved." window still appears. Is this related to the attached drive that I use at my raspi?

But first please recover 100% from influenza which is minimum as bad as covid.
Thank you Garry!

The GDI Error is gone, but the artist pictures are still not stored. The "Selected Art NOT saved." window still appears. Is this related to the attached drive that I use at my raspi?

But first please recover 100% from influenza which is minimum as bad as covid.

Fixed in a minor update just uploaded (8.0.3a).

I found the issue:
Performer images were never actually saved. The 'save' code only looked for covers and fanart, ignoring performer images... Now fixed

You'll need to download the latest 8.0.3 installer again (link below). I've bumped it to 8.0.3a but existing 8.0.3 users wont get notification of a new version.
Fixed in a minor update just uploaded (8.0.3a).

I found the issue:
Performer images were never actually saved. The 'save' code only looked for covers and fanart, ignoring performer images... Now fixed

You'll need to download the latest 8.0.3 installer again (link below). I've bumped it to 8.0.3a but existing 8.0.3 users wont get notification of a new version.
Thank you, that works fine now. The pics are stored.

BTW: nobody ever realised that the pictures weren't stored? OK. But: kodi does not read those locally 🙈... same problem with tv shows and movies. A kodi problem.


<name>Arjen Anthony Lucassen</name>
<role>Guitar, Vocals</role>

This was stored. All scrapers do it that way.
I think I have to replace
with "Arjen Anthony Lucassen.jpg". Will try this soon.

Doing this manually with my whole lib means I will get a beard like Gandalf till I'm done...
KODi, scrapers and actor pictures

How it works using local pictures

1. There must be a folder .actors created.
2. The pictures of the actors have to be placed in this folder
3. They have to be named <FirstName>_<LastName>.jpg

It is CasE SensiTive and the _ is mandatory.


...\Ayreon - Universe Best Of Ayreon Live\
=>here are the video and nfo files stored

...\Ayreon - Universe Best Of Ayreon Live\.actors
...\Ayreon - Universe Best Of Ayreon Live\.actors\Arjen_Anthony_Lucassen.jpg

After updating the thumbs of the actors appear (under info of the related concert).
@HomerJAU First off i would love to thank you for creating such a wonderful tool. Like i cannot express enough how awesome your creation is and how rad of a dude you are for putting it together! I stumbled across it while trying to teach myself to setup the MPEG-H decoder on my own with limited knowledge of compiling these fringe/cutting edge/powerful software on github they dont want released too easy (in some cases i can understand why, i have since put in some decent effort for getting some python based tools operational where i was not able to find any alternative rather than to strive forward and teach myself how to get them running).

At any rate, i had a question for you, that maybe might turn into a humble feature request if a solution within the app does not already exist. Well to be fair i already know a solution and i believe it might even be based on your guidance somewhere in this thread in the past. Which leads me to believe perhaps there is a reason you have not already included the feature in the app...

I am curious if there is a way to scrape a digitally stored blu ray to extract the audio, split by chapter, convert and tag like you can with a mkv? I guess i hoping i might be able to skip the step of converting the blu ray to mkv to do this? I know its really not that much of a extra step and i suspect there is a reason if its already not included and im just unaware that its not already in the software.

Anyways - thanks again so much for your work.
I am curious if there is a way to scrape a digitally stored blu ray to extract the audio, split by chapter, convert and tag like you can with a mkv? I guess i hoping i might be able to skip the step of converting the blu ray to mkv to do this? I know its really not that much of a extra step and i suspect there is a reason if its already not included and im just unaware that its not already in the software.

Firstly, thanks for your kind words. Nice to hear you find MMH so useful.

I don’t plan to introduce breaking of blu-ray encryption into MMH. There are other tools that do that.
Hello @HomerJAU, thank you very much for this useful tool!
The first time I installed version 7.1.7 (if I remember correctly) and successfully used the function to get the dynamic range of audio files (Batch Audio Tools). However, after updating to the latest version, when scanning to detect the dynamic range, no results are displayed in the window. The software says "Completed getting the Dynamic Range," but no results are shown. View attachment 100552

Hi @HomerJAU , the latest version of MMH seems to have the same issue I reported in the message mentioned above.

Thank you again for this great tool!
Hi @HomerJAU , the latest version of MMH seems to have the same issue I reported in the message mentioned above.

Thank you again for this great tool!

I will take a look at this today.

EDIT: Fixed. The code created/updated the DR info for each album but failed to load into the grid (Visual Studio losing events bug)
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Music Media Helper 8.0.4 Released today

Version 8.0.4 (August 12 2024)
Audio Batch Tools: Some batch options do not load results into grid - fixed @EmaMusicGeek
Scrape a Concert Folder tool: Failed to save Performer images to disc - fixed (in 8.0.3a published on August 7 2024)

Direct link to 8.0.4 installer: