What version of MMH are you using?
(Edit: Sounds like a bug to me)
(Edit: Sounds like a bug to me)
Funny you should ask. I just now realized MMH 6 was out there so I upgraded it from MMH 5 about 10 min ago. Still the same problem though. Resampler still converts, but there are no output files.What version of MMH are you using?
(Edit: Sounds like a bug to me)
Don’t kill yourself. If you need any other info, please don’t hesitate to reach out.Thanks for the info.
I will check this now and get a resolution asap.
I’ve tried Remix Folder and a User Defined File. The Folder name (or “Remixed”) for the new folder is where it should after a conversion attempt, but it’s always empty. I’ve deleted the empty folder before every next attempt.My test with MMH 6.0.2 is working ok (Quad 192kHz to 96kHz) using the two tested Output Options 'Overwrite Source Files' and 'Remixed Folder (under Source)'.
View attachment 76531
What Output (Resampled) Option are you using?
Maybe you can PM me a link to a small sample file?
Thanks.No Overwrite kills the original! (No recycle bin). You need to work on a copy of your original or have a backup already done.
if not exist "Output" mkdir "Output"
for %%A IN (*.flac) do (
"C:\Program Files\Music Media Helper 6\Sox.exe" "%%~nA.flac" "Output\%%A" rate -s 96000
if not exist "Output" mkdir "Output"
for %%A IN (*.flac) do (
"C:\Program Files\Music Media Helper 6\ffmpeg.exe" -i "%%~nA.flac" -ar 96000 "Output\%%A"
What am I doing wrong?
I struggling to get the chapter editor to work. I:
What am I doing wrong?