I just tried it with the latest and confirm that the M4A to MKV conversion is now working. Thank you!! (I'm used to waiting weeks/months for fixes at work, you are awesome) 

Matroska (MKA and MKV) uses a complex music tagging system. I don’t know any players that read Matroska audio tags correctly. What are you using?
The Kodi music library doesn't read mka tags so I guess it must me Plex that can.
I’ll check it out shortly.
Music Media Helper 5.0.28 released.
Version 5.0.28 (December 24 2021)
Extract Audio from MKV/MKA tool: MKV and MKA output files now have chapters removed
This makes 'Extract Audio from MKV/MKA' tool consistent with 'Split and Rename Concerts' tool where all chapters are removed in output files. (1 file per chapter with no chapter info)
I tried the same files I was processing before and the .MKA outputs still have the 2 chapters per file. The M4A files do not have any chapters in them.
Tested and works! Thanks!I added new code to remove all chapters after all the chapter files have been created. You'll need to wait until the files are added to the grid (ready for tagging) before checking the .mka chapters have been removed.
Please correct me if im wrong. As of right now, the only logical reason to convert MKA to M4A is for compatible tags with Kodi, correct? Otherwise creating CUE files accomplishes the same thing for Kodi purposes? M4A doesn't correct the bouncy progress bar in Kodi when playing 24 bit MKA? So far the only other advantage I can see is that the length of the track is displayed using M4A when browsing, while the CUE sheet solution doesn't show that info.
Not sure if this is a bug report or just a limitation of MKA --> M4A, but Album, Album Artist, and Year, are not transferred over to the M4A. FYI, I hopelessly tagged my MKA files using MP3Tag before I realized that Kodi couldn't read them.