Wonderful program. Do you know if their is a FFmpeg command to levelize an mp4/MKV with 5.1 ac3 similar to MP3gain or ReplayGain? I'm converting MCH FLAC to MP4 with ac3 5.1 to play on my iphone/ipad with spatial audio.
Homer Is it worthwhile for you to allow the rename files function work with .mlp files?
I use Foobar with the DVDA component installed to play .mlp encoded files.How do you play your .mlp files?
I tried getting .mlp into a .M4A file without luck (mlp codec is not supported in m4a). I could try and get mlp into m4a as TrueHD but not many players recognize TrueHD in m4a (Foobar and Kodi do).
I can let .mlp files be renamed in MMH but I'd need to catch any errors if a user attempts to tag (if MMH cannot tag .mlp, I'd need to test)
It does, and you already have it. Its DVDAE. Just select the output as FLAC.I mean in an ideal world you could mount a DVDA disc or .iso , extract (decode) to wav, then convert (encode) to FLAC. Maybe such program already exists, I don't know.
Yes, I often forget about the file convert functions in Foo. Failing memory showing. I need some of those jellyfish pills. lol.Foobar can do this in one go.
I am having a problem converting m4a files to mkv.