You can use any folder naming you like. I don’t know of any software that enforces folder naming or structures.
Are you asking if MMH can do auto folder naming based on release date?
I always used a folder structure like this (Old):
Music\Artist 1\Album 1
\Album 2
\Artist 2\Album 1
But I now use (New):
Music\Artist 1 - Album 1
\Artist 1 - Album 2
\Artist 2 - Album 1
I wrote some code to move the folders/files from Old structure to New. It would take too much effort to add the album release date to the folder name assuming the first track in each album had the Date tag filled.
BTW: I changed my folder structure to the new as I wanted multiple top level Root folders to split my collection into:
Surround (e.g. not quad or atmos)
I use Kodi so I can make menu nodes to filter, example click ‘Quad’ and all my Quads appear.
But Kodi also has filters and user definable sort order so I could set my Album view (for Artists) to sort by (the tagged) release date