New Video from John Darko re: Atmos Music


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I thought it was pretty honest of SW to acknowledge that most Atmos mixes would be heard only on headphones/ear buds even though they only provide 50-60% of the experience that multiple speakers can provide. Most people can't afford or even want something like a dedicated home theater for movies, let alone just for music. The expense and intrusiveness of retro fitting a multi-purpose room for Atmos (10 or more speakers and all the wiring) will probably be too much for most people for the foreseeable future. Maybe that will change if the technology ever develops good wireless speakers (receiving both power and lossless audio wirelessly) but I think that's a long way off.

At least so far, a lot of musicians, engineers and record companies see enough value in the spatial audio headphone experience to aggressively expand and promote its use. I intend to enjoy it in my dedicated 7.2.4 home theater room for as long as it lasts.
Most people never heard stereo as it was intended. How much "stereo" is one really getting out of a boom box? Even those old console systems our parents bought that were used to sell stereo to consumers and replace their old mono "hi fi" systems really didn't expand the stereo field much.

My first "stereo" phonograph was a plastic suitcase model that had one speaker on the top facing out and another on the bottom facing up.

The important thing is that, for whatever the reason, that the labels make the content available. How we all choose to listen to it, and why, is our decisions to make.
I don't like it when elements in legacy songs are changed. My two biggest peeves are the changes made to the Rumours DVDA, the changes made to Big Time on Gabriel''s Play, and the buried cowbell in Al Stewart's If It Doesn't Come Naturally Leave It 5.1.
Sorry, but I got bored with the video about a third of the way through. Yes, adding speakers is not a trivial task. I know that, because I’ve added speakers many times, including when I added a speaker to make a momo setup when I was a kid.

Atmos is something you have to really want - like living in Hawaii, there are considerations beyond just the finances. When I built my room, I included the speakers, but did not invest in the electronics to decode and drive those speakers. I intend to take those steps in the coming year, but not this month.