No more MQA and 360RA on Tidal


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1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
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Apr 22, 2005
Cabras, Sardinia, Italy, Europe, World, Solar syst
Hi, I just received an email from Tidal.
Since it’s written in italian I prefer to use google translate feature to attach the scrrenshot
@Oldschoolsoundengineer mentioned this in the Atmos streaming thread yesterday, but it probably deserves its own thread. I hope this isn't the final nail in the coffin for MPEG-H 3D as an immersive music format, though I fear it is. Fraunhofer, Sony, and the open-standard community just never seemed interested in developing a viable strategy for getting MPEG-H out there into the consumer sphere and competing with Dolby.
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@Oldschoolsoundengineer mentioned this in the Atmos streaming thread yesterday, but it probably deserves its own thread. I hope this isn't the final nail in the coffin for MPEG-H 3D as an immersive music format, though I fear it is. Fraunhofer, Sony, and open-standard community just never seemed interested in developing a viable strategy for getting MPEG-H out there into the consumer sphere and competing with Dolby.
Like I've always said "DOA"- Sony just has to go their own way! :rolleyes:

However, the release of many of the old Quads via 360 RA was encouraging, they should just start a program (streamline from the 7" SACD's) like Rhino, and release those old Quads in a BD format.
Like I've always said "DOA"- Sony just has to go their own way! :rolleyes:

However, the release of many of the old Quads via 360 RA was encouraging, they should just start a program (streamline from the 7" SACD's) like Rhino, and release those old Quads in a BD format.
it'll never happen unless Sony were to have a Foraging Rhino type of guy onboard to drive the project on. i doubt we'd have Quadio without him.

as it is, Sony Japan and Dutton Vocalion are doing a fine job and i can't realistically see Sony's domestic division themselves topping Sony Japan & Vocalion's work.

also, i'm mindful of the superiority of DV's releases such as Ship Ahoy and The Isley's 3+3 compared to Sony USA's earlier efforts
of the same titles.

in other words.. i'd say.. fahgeddabouddit! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
I got this email the other day as well. I'm more curious about whether all the albums previously locked in 360 hell will finally get their Atmos versions on Tidal. Something tells me probably not - at least not right away.
Indeed, it was only a matter of time. Dolby Atmos rules the roost
True. Still I'm sorry to see 360RA go even though I've never used it. I do hate to
see any surround format disappear for lack of interest, could this spell trouble for others?

OTOH I have been happy to see Auro3D reappearing on some recent releases from Immersive Audio Album and others. It's a great object based format the can be carried in a standard FLAC file and played back problem free from any media player that can handle Quad or 5.1.. The brand new Jennifer Thomas - Oceans is an excellent sounding example.
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it'll never happen unless Sony were to have a Foraging Rhino type of guy onboard to drive the project on. i doubt we'd have Quadio without him.

as it is, Sony Japan and Dutton Vocalion are doing a fine job and i can't realistically see Sony's domestic division themselves topping Sony Japan & Vocalion's work.

also, i'm mindful of the superiority of DV's releases such as Ship Ahoy and The Isley's 3+3 compared to Sony USA's earlier efforts
of the same titles.

in other words.. i'd say.. fahgeddabouddit! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
I don't think they need to TOP anyone's work.

But, in all honesty, while the SonyJP 7" series is nice, it is also expensive and the packaging unnecessary. If Sony wanted to release those titles domestically in more traditional and affordable packaging, there would probably be a market for it.

Continuing to farm out the less-popular titles to DV probably makes sense for them.
Another huge point in the Tidal news release, as Sal has quoted for a long time, R.I.P. MQA.
Tidal has dumped there MQA playback and there Hi-Res Stereo is now FLAC.

Tidal reacted very quickly, just a week after the MQA "go into administration" announcement in April 2023.

After a year of preparing his library and waiting to see if anything would happen with Lenbrook's acquisition of MQA, it looks the decision was clear.
I’m torn from a streaming standpoint, 360RA had a higher bitrate than streamed Atmos with a 7.1 bed. But Atmos is the superior format simply because of their -18 LUFS requirement. A mix can be lackluster/lazy, but it can never be dynamically compressed - something that has destroyed traditional 2 channel music for the last 30 years. 360RA was the Wild West. Many 360RA albums are unlistenable because of dynamic compression.