Venmo has been hacked more than once. I don’t trust it and only use Zelle though BOA and they will require you to use two factor authorization.
I use exactly the same thing: only Zelle through BOA with 2FA. So maybe we're both screwed. LOL
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Venmo has been hacked more than once. I don’t trust it and only use Zelle though BOA and they will require you to use two factor authorization.
I’ve been enabling 2FA on a lot of sites in the last few weeks, starting with anything to do with my finances. And yeah, it does become a bit of a pain when you’re trying to quickly login somewhere.
Sadly, the 'crew' at our local J P Morgan CHASE Bank are a bunch of numbskulls so I just took that $6K as a LOSS when I filed my federal/state tax returns. Problem solved. They did however make good on a bunch of fraudulent charges on our business credit card so all wasn't lost.No recourse? That seems strange. I thought that banks were responsible for safeguarding digital transactions. If you know how it happened, would you mind sharing the gory details?
Unfortunately, it appears that the below may be more evidence of a scam here on QQ (wouldn't be surprised if it's the same group or even person.) Note that these 2 messages I received from this very new acct a few days ago were sent about 2 days apart. I had my suspicions after the 1st one, but after receiving the 2nd one, it's a red flag for sure since they're a bit too insistent on wanting to sell this. Mods, I'll let you take it from here - thanks much.
Michael Jones
New member
JoinedFeb 13, 2025Messages0
Feb 13, 2025
You can contact junior He has a Hiromi's Sonicbloom for sale in new condition. Here's his email for [email protected]
Michael Jones
New member
JoinedFeb 13, 2025Messages0
Feb 15, 2025
I think i saw a guy called Muncho posted a Hiromi's Sonicbloom for sale. Here is his email [email protected]
Disheartening. Thanks for confirming, Sonik Wiz. Further proof that they realize our passions and hobbies are areas to exploit."Agree with Grimy. New forum member geasonmichelle and email address [email protected] are a scam combo. This member has posted about 7-8 times within the last hour saying they have exactly what different people are looking for. Looks like this is the reincarnation of tondo et al. "
If, on the other hand, the issue is your wanting to skate under the IRS radar with respect to paying taxes on the income, that's a you problem not a me problem... I'm not willing to give up my buyer protection so you can evade taxes.
Australia, you know where he lives.Simon Becker of Stoneville, Western Australia.
It's $2500 for 2025. It's $600 in 2026.It cuts both ways. Just about every item that I have sold has been at a net loss, so getting a 1099 or whatever from PayPal or eBay actually can help write off a loss on income taxes. I think the threshold for getting an tax form in 2025 is $600 in gross sales.
Frankly, given the hassle of listing an item, packaging it, running to the post office and keeping track of sales records chews up more time than it's worth. It's better use of one's time to just give the stuff away.
Thanks for that correction.It's $2500 for 2025. It's $600 in 2026.