Had a good day at the OC record show. Did meet one surround enthusiasts. He was very happy to see so many surround discs but just bought one Rush dvd-a.
I pointed him to quadraphonicquad.com so I hope he will make his introduction.
Otherwise, no surround interest. Sold Q8s to another seller that wanted to play them stereo in his car. All the quad LPs I sold went to stereo people. Sold very few
dvds and blu-rays. Still got too much to fit in my record room, still need to downsize a bit.
If selling a collection, a record show is a good way to go, I think you will get more $ than from a record store.
I usually sell what I can at the record show(not expecting top dollar). Then keep what I think is most valuable for the next record show. And the rest goes to
the local record store who doesn't pay a whole lot but does always take everything I bring him. Never tried to sell to Amoeba so don't know what
they pay.