you're doing great work!

keep it up!
when i have more time i will definitely check out your shootout.
i have to say, at this point i feel like i've done enough mucking around with CD-4 myself and think i've got it about as good as i'm going to get it, so there's only a mere handful of discs that don't play ball now.
fwiw at this point i've tried at least 10 different cartridges (bought either New, New Old Stock, or Used supposedly with "low hours of use" whatever that means!

) including an AT15S, 2 x AT15Sa's, 2 x AT440MLb's, an ATVM540ML, a JVC 4MD-10X, a Technics EPC-310MC (via an Ortofon MCA-76 pre-pre), a Denon DL110 and an Elac D90 E18 (which is a rebranded AT440MLb with the stylus housing in a black finish rather than the AT440MLa/b's usual "Lilac" colour, which was made by Audio Technica specially for Elac's Miracord 90 turntable) on 4 turntables (Pro-Ject Debut II w/Speed Box, Technics SL-1200Mk2, Technics SL-10 & Technics SL-7, using vintage AT T4P cart/headshells on the 2 x linear tracking turntables to accommodate the various microline stylii) and at least half a dozen standalone demodulators including a Marantz CD-400B, a Grundig Quadro (with the so-called "holy grail" CD-4392 chip), 2 x JVC 4DD-5's and latterly some rusty old heap of shit Toshiba demodulator (model escapes me at the mo.

) i got on eBay fairly recently that's enormous, weighs a ton and doesn't work at all... and you know what, after all that pallava the most consistent results are from an AT440MLb through a JVC 4DD-5 on the Technics SL-1210 i've been running since my 40th birthday (i'm 48 in September) all the experiments in between held promise, were ultimately failures in one way or another but along the way i did get some near-misses and glimmers of hope where a vintage AT Shibata cart outdid a modern AT Microline on certain tracks/discs only to be subsequently wrongfooted by another track/disc!

the moral of the story is.. don't give up..
but eventually we all have to settle for a compromise of sorts, life's way too bloody short! then you can give up!