Played the Atmos mix on my 5.1 system. This turned out much better than the Atmos for Dark Matter, which sounds muddy and unbalanced. Giving it a 9 for how well the instrumentation was placed in the surround field. Fidelity was good, the sonic qualities of the original were retained but everything was clean and present. There isn't a lot of movement of instruments/real time panning, the strategy here was clearly to execute an immersive "in the room with the band" feel and it succeeded at that. I'm not sure Pearl Jam's music lends itself to tricks or fun with surround, so IMO that was the right choice (and probably the right choice for most rock music).
I liked that they gave the short and/or oddball tracks the same level of attention, I rather enjoyed Bugs, Aye Davanita, and Hey Foxy... in their surround form ['skippable' filler for me until now].