1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
What's not to get? The Alan Parsons mix of DSOTM and the Andy Jackson mix of Division Bell are much more discrete than anything James Guthrie has ever mixed. Of course you are free to like whatever you want, but if you don't understand why many people here would prefer a different audio engineer, the answer is very simple. Discrete and tasteful is how I would describe a quality mix.
I enjoy Amused To Death which was mixed by JG but only because there are so many non-musical elements. He doesn't get nearly as discrete with the musical parts. You may like that fact but many others don't. Steven Wilson has found the perfect balance to keep nearly everyone happy. JG has not up to this point.
Agree about Steven Wilson, but I actually feel that James Guthrie's mixes are at least somewhat similar to his. I'm listening to the Dark Side quad right now and like I said, there are certain aspects about this mix that I really like. It is really discrete with lots of interesting effects too, but the JG mix is much more full and hi-fi to me, and the bass is much more balanced, full, and detailed, and while it's not as wildly discrete as the AP mix, I don't find it to just be big stereo at all.There are plenty of discrete elements throughout the album, and it just seems much more cohesive overall to me. I am really enjoying my listen through of the quad right now. Haven't checked out this version in a while. I think I'll put on Brian Humphries quad mix of Wish You Were Here next.