Was that a joke, about the liner notes being the reason for the delay? And does Roger, having agreed that they won't be used, really think that publishing them online is in some twisted way, a fait accompli lol. Had they (said liner notes) been informative, in depth, utilising information gleaned from all parties involved then yes...publish and be damned. They're not in that category at all though, are they? They read like a schoolkid's essay and reading between the lines that is perhaps what was commissioned, something vague and simplistic. I'm not surprised that they have been rejected and frankly I am surprised that Roger would seek to make such a big deal out of their rejection, publishing the sub-standard notes as some kind of coup d'etat in a stupid war of his own making...the mind boggles lol. I mean, what's the point when it comes down to it? The point is nothing other than more of his "look at me!!!" agenda, sigh...you know, he doesn't need this, his importance as a founder member and genius songwriter (especially concerning Pink Floyd) is assured. Maybe there's something else going on, apart from a simple ego-trip which is, he has to know, what it appears to be.
You call it an ego trip, I suppose from his point of view he wants people to know that these masterpieces are his creations. I can't blame him, we are talking about seminal works of immeasurable importance to the history of music and conceptual art. And as he sees it, the true story has been under attack for decades. Badly written or not, I have a feeling these liner notes do tell a true story. We'll see if anyone tries to discredit them in any way, I don't think that's going to happen. Either way, let's hope and pray this release does see the light of day.