HiRez Poll Pink Floyd - ANIMALS [Blu-ray Audio (Dolby Atmos)]


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Rate the BDA of Pink Floyd - ANIMALS

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Oct 31, 2008
Middle TN
Please post your thoughts and comments on this brand new Blu-ray Audio edition of the classic Pink Floyd album "Animals".
Originally released in 1977 and reissued with new stereo and 5.1 surround mixes in 2022, this new Blu-ray Audio edition contains the original 1977 stereo mix, the 2018 remixes in stereo and 5.1 surround, and a brand new Dolby Atmos mix of the album, which is exclusive to this release.

(y) :) (n)


Rating: 10

Tracks 1 and 5 are essentially front driven. This is expected.

Tracks 2-4 are where this comes alive. For the Atmos heights, I feel track 2 is the winner.

I own the 5.1 Blu-ray and found that to be one of the best remixes. Overall, I prefer the Atmos mix. The added height just encapsulates you even more.
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I seriously can't imagine a more definitive version of this album than the Atmos mix (just listened for the second time in 7.2.4). I really, really liked and appreciated the 5.1 version in '22 but had to admit there were some things about the mix that felt uneven and kinda knocked me out of the moment here and there—the big revelation for me with the Atmos version is that it just feels like it's now "fully dialed in". Smoothed out, but in a way that makes the music and the mix more enjoyable and immerseive, and doesn't detract at all from any of the menace or power of the recording—in fact I'd suggest that really being able to hear what they were going for in the addiiotnal detail and separation is at times even creepier (the super weird harmonies and effects on the synths, all of the weird breathing on P3DO, the completely unhinged talk box guitar solo, the deliberate sliding off of the bass notes in places to create unease...).

Animals was always a bit of an anomaly in between the sonic beauty and amazing recordings of Wish You Were Here and The Wall because it was a little muddy and dense. Sure, that added to its mystique... and stuff like KC's Earthbound or VDGG's Vital (or insert a punk or industrial release that I can't come up with myself here) comes across as that much more deranged and mancing because it sounds like crap, intentional or not. But I don't think one can argue that the original mixes were like that by design—especially not in this phase of their career and nestled between what came before and after; it was just all so ambitious that it ended up that way in the stereo mix.

This is just such a joy now to experience. At one point the throbbing, deep bass made my glasses slide off where I had set them, and I was so dialed in to the content and the music that it literally startled me and I flinched. That made me smile. This just kicks ass.

Bonus points for the editing of the visuals too—usually I turn my screen off because I can't stand the repetitiveness of the same pictures cycling over and over (Who's Next... more like "Who Phoned This In?") or just annoying computer animations that might be for some people but aren't for me (the GG stuff). This is just the updated image of Battersea, and the timing of the changes in color and saturation is not in anyway an afterthought, but rather brilliantly designed... especially when, at some of the most menacing changes on the album, it kinda blurs and shimmers a bit as it transitions. Someone gave this experience a LOT of thought and care, and it's a pleasure to have it up while listening. A 10 in every category for me. Bravo!
I rated 10 the previous blu-ray release with just a 5.1 mix; for me was a revelation, used like anybody else to a flat sounding Animals. Well the Wall is still not available in multichannel but now we get this updated Animals (exactly a copy of older disc apart from the Atmos mix). So how is it? Bad? No. 2 people here give this a 10, I will not more than 8. The bubble of sound is bigger, yes can't deny, and those psychedelic parts are more effective (I wouldn't have expected less after all) but in my opinion this mix is sort of copied from the 5.1 mix. And to my taste, that older 5.1 still sounds cleaner, and very important thing, more punchy. Last but not least , though I have to increase volume more now to enjoy the Atmos version , strangely my subwoofer goes quickly in sleep mode as if with no signal (or just too low); I will wait to read if anyone else experiences the same. I will listen again though🫣.
Although I'm not happy about the double dip, I voted a 9 for the Atmos mix. While I don't think this is a reference or even demo worthy Atmos mix, for me it will be the definitive mix of Animals going forward.

The main impacts of utilizing sides, rears and height channels are to expand the immersive sound field and to accentuate specific synthesizer, percussive and vocal effects. In particular, the height channels are not continuously engaged and only occasionally call attention to themselves - however when they do kick in they are very effective. Out of curiosity I sampled most of the album with only subwoofers and height speakers engaged. This revealed a lot of additional detail in various synthesizer lines, percussion effects and vocal screams, bursts of laughter, etc. that can be obscured when all speakers are firing. It clearly shows that Guthrie has thoughtfully utilized the height channels to accentuate what is occurring in the horizontal plane rather than just providing an alternative overhead source direction for a particular instrument or vocal. Of course, the bookend pieces of Pigs on the Wing have no height channel activity.

As a whole package, I think this release would be easy to recommend if it weren't for the fact that a 5.1 blu-ray was released just 2 years ago. Given the band turmoil and the uncertainty of getting any titles in surround actually released, I can sort of understand pushing out what you have as soon as it's available. At least the price for each of these releases of Animals is right around $24. The way I look at it, If we had never gotten the 2022 release but just were given this new release containing new stereo, 5.1 and atmos mixes priced at ~$49 I think most us would buy it without complaining too much. Such is the lot of us surround enthusiasts.
Although I'm not happy about the double dip, I voted a 9 for the Atmos mix. While I don't think this is a reference or even demo worthy Atmos mix, for me it will be the definitive mix of Animals going forward.

The main impacts of utilizing sides, rears and height channels are to expand the immersive sound field and to accentuate specific synthesizer, percussive and vocal effects. In particular, the height channels are not continuously engaged and only occasionally call attention to themselves - however when they do kick in they are very effective. Out of curiosity I sampled most of the album with only subwoofers and height speakers engaged. This revealed a lot of additional detail in various synthesizer lines, percussion effects and vocal screams, bursts of laughter, etc. that can be obscured when all speakers are firing. It clearly shows that Guthrie has thoughtfully utilized the height channels to accentuate what is occurring in the horizontal plane rather than just providing an alternative overhead source direction for a particular instrument or vocal. Of course, the bookend pieces of Pigs on the Wing have no height channel activity.

As a whole package, I think this release would be easy to recommend if it weren't for the fact that a 5.1 blu-ray was released just 2 years ago. Given the band turmoil and the uncertainty of getting any titles in surround actually released, I can sort of understand pushing out what you have as soon as it's available. At least the price for each of these releases of Animals is right around $24. The way I look at it, If we had never gotten the 2022 release but just were given this new release containing new stereo, 5.1 and atmos mixes priced at ~$49 I think most us would buy it without complaining too much. Such is the lot of us surround enthusiasts.
After re reading your post, I find myself pretty much in agreement. I don't regret buying it though. I think a better job was done here than the DSOTM Atmos disc.
Already thought the 5.1 was brilliant. This is even more immersive. Love it - and to my ears the drums and bass have even more weight this time around! Also, in terms of listening context, I did play this once again after several disappointing encounters with the The Doors Atmos. Wow - the comparison is stunning. Still love that transition from the up front first track to the immersion that follows…
I gave this a speed listen a couple of days ago, certainly not fair to post my thoughts on a poll thread based on a speed listen.
I voted 9.
This past listen was a critical listen with pen and paper.
The big question, is the previous 2018 5.1 good enough or does the surround hobbyist add the 2024 Atmos Blu Ray to there collection?
I have decided I like this new Atmos release better than the 2018 5.1.
I listened to the Blu Ray rip, MKV file, 24bit/48Khz. Dr's are 12, 13's, 14, 15.
Here are some facts:
Tracks 1 & 5 are stereo only, Ok, track 1 sets you up and track 5 brings you back, there is logic to that.
The meat is tracks 2,3.4.
I noticed the bass guitar primarily center channel, except Track 4 bass solo front speakers.
Throughout the 3 main tracks the heights come and go, can be front, to back, to all 4, to not at all.
This proves my theory that Atmos mixing is starting to develop into different styles, this Animals Atmos uses the what I call impact style. Heights are used for impact moments like the chorus middle of track 2 15-17 min where the full chorus of background singers is coming down on you.
Track 4 has talking about the 6 min mark with all 4 and drums and bass in center.

This impact style that seems to be emerging in Atmos, is something that we have to learn, I love the fully immersive Atmos bubble of sound, that seems to be what I thought would be the gold standard, but as we know things change especially with such a new sound field, 5 years old, about.

New music menu: Very cool and in Dolby Atmos, surprisingly not a loop but a 52:42 single piece of music, with a DR of 15.

Please keep poll threads to your listening experience only.
I'm a 10, and count me in the "slightly annoyed" camp having to buy this sumbitch twice in the last two years. But the Atmos rocks and breathes better than the 5.1, which I listened to once and put away.

So for grins and giggles I listened to the uncompressed stereo mixes of the first few minutes of "Dogs" (maybe the most dynamic and sublime stretch of music on the album). They are both amazing in Blu-ray fidelity.

The 1977 mix is really bold and punchy and active. I've owned many vinyl and CD editions of this, but obviously something was getting lost. It's really remarkable and very 3D.

The 2018 James Guthrie mix is almost as good. It's a bit more conservative, but the fidelity is gorgeous. It takes off some of the dark sheen that the original has.

When I bought the 2018 SACD edition, the only stereo mix was the 2018. So yet another reason to be annoyed. The irony is we waited so long for the *&%^ing 5.1 and then they improve on it -- significantly -- not even two years later!

Whatever. It's classic Pink Floyd. It sounds pristine and amazing (even the '77 stereo mix!). It can't be anything but a 10. Even if I had to buy it twice.
I went 9. I really enjoyed this more than I thought I would. It's really, really good mix. But like I've said in other polls, I try reserve a 10 for something I feel is truly exemplary. But to be fair to Guthrie and the other people involved, I can't imagine this being improved on significantly. Excellent work.
I bought the previous deluxe version with the LP/CDs/BR and the stand alone BR, so this is buy number three ... lately (not counting all the original LP & CD versions alone or as part of a box set). But, it is may favorite Pink Floyd album and I think I still have more versions of Dark Side than Animals, so I'm not complaining. I think the 5.1 mix on on the previous release is great.

The Atmos mix on the new release does feel to me like it is mostly an expansion of the 5.1 mix. I agree that the bass & drums sound even better in this mix and the keyboards add to the immersive effect. The floor toms are prominent in the rear channels and really thunder. The fidelity of both the previous and new Atmos mix gets a 10 from me.

I do think both mixes are relatively conservative compared to other surround mixes. They are both front channel focused, using the other channels for surround/immersion support. However, the LFE is barely used and the center channel even less. I kept checking my center speaker to make sure it hadn't gone dead.

It feels like the band told Guthrie, "Remix the album into surround, but don't get cute. Keep it classy". And it is. But the problem with that is that Animals is a trippy, psychedelic album (aside from Roger Water's grousing about the subject matters) and it deserves to have a trippy, psychedelic mix.
You expect to get a conservative but tasteful mix on say a Steely Dan, Sting or Mark Knopfler album, but this is Pink Floyd.
I just wish Guthrie had been a bit more adventurous. There are several moments where I think he could have made more use of the channel panning and/or placement. Guitar "whooshes" in "Sheep" I expected to fly by and around me or "Dogs"' "stone-stone-stone" repeats to float around the room. It is not a bad mix. It's safe.

The nearly hour long menu instrumental "suite" is cool. It is the "Easter egg" on this disc, IMO. I found it out by accident. I put on the disc in to play it and got busy doing a chore in the kitchen after loading it and realized after about 10 minutes it wasn't repeating like most menu audio on discs.

I'm going to rate the material, the fidelity and the "value" (less than $25 - wish all blu-rays were) all 10s and the mix a 7. Going with an 8 overall.

One oddity and would like to know if anyone else has had this problem: None of the DTS-MA mixes on the new release will play properly. When playing the 5.1 or 2.0 DTSMA mixes, the decoder in my amp flashes on and off, cutting out every few seconds. I tried it on both my Oppo 203 and 93 with the same results. I played the Atmos and PCM 5.1 mixes with no problem. I went back to the previous BR release and all of those same DTSMA mixes play fine on both players. (In the course of testing, I think I like the sound of DTSMA 5.1 mix better than the PCM 5.1.) I'm wondering if I have a defective disc and if I should return it. Since I have all those same DTSMA mixes on the previous version and the new Atmos mix on this disc plays fine, I may not go to the trouble. I'll wait to see what others find when playing the new release' DTSMA mix.
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I'm not a fan of Guthrie's mixes. I had given up on the guy, but as my dad used to say, "even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while". The 5.1 mix of Animals is the best 5.1 he's done IMO. Greatly enhanced fidelity on that release, just like this one. This Atmos mix is very close to it, so it's by no means bad. I didn't compare the 5.1 and Atmos all that critically, but they seem very close. Not a lot of discreet signal in the tops. As expected, the effects and some synths benefit the most from his Atmos treatment. He could have manipulated far more and still kept it tasteful. If the 5.1 mix is a 9, this Atmos mix is a 9.3. they both get a 9 from me.
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Decoded waveforms (7.1.4): Channel order: FL,FR,C,LFE,Ls,Rs,Lb,Rb,Tfl,Tfr,Tbl,Tbr

As reported earlier here: 'Tracks 1 and 5 are essentially front driven' (they look like stereo below)

Screenshot PF-Aninals (Atmos).png

I like this a lot. Definitely more immersive than the previous 5.1 mix. This is my new 'go to version' BUT: A lot more going on in the rears vs sides in this mix - I have a 7.1.4 system with my sides being full range and rears limited to 80Hz. I'm sure swapping sides and rears would improve this mix on my system (my next test listen..)

(not the right thread to discuss @Daniel I used the Music Media Helper's Atmos Helper to decode - there are few threads here on QQ)
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Decoded waveforms (7.1.4): Channel order: FL,FR,C,LFE,Ls,Rs,Lb,Rb,Tfl,Tfr,Tbl,Tbr

As reported earlier here: 'Tracks 1 and 5 are essentially front driven' (they look like stereo below)

View attachment 105961

I like this a lot. Definitely more immersive than the previous 5.1 mix. This is my new 'go to version' BUT: A lot more going on in the rears vs sides in this mix - I have a 7.1.4 system with my sides being full range and rears limited to 80Hz. I'm sure swapping sides and rears would improve this mix on my system (my next test listen..)
What program did you use to decode all of this?
Voting 9. Strong 9!!!

There are moments, musically, that could suit my taste a little better.
I think this Atmos mix is fantastic. It should be enjoyed in full Atmos!
I think the 5.1 mix is great.
2018 stereo remix sounds great.
Nice to have the '77 in high quality, for historical and comparative reasons.
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