pink floyd DSOTM which version??


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quadguy n.w.

Oct 4, 2010
Kent Washington
Hey quadaholics
I got this recording 4 channel discrete of pink Floyd DSOTM. It was mixed by Alan Parsons for the UK version. I am an audio engineer & I picked up a copy from another engineer / instructor at the school in Tempe AZ on a Hi-8 tape formatted for the tascam DA-88 tape machine back in 2000. I never gave it much thought since you can get this on SACD but after listening to both mixes I discovered the mix I got on the tape was much better & different than the SACD version so I think I got a real GEM but not sure. If one of you quadheads wants to help me figure out what mix/version I got I can send you a reel to reel version of this recording to check it out & let me know exactly what it is I have. Keep the reel I got plenty. It will be recorded @7.5ips tails out. I am in Seattle
Hey quadaholics
I got this recording 4 channel discrete of pink Floyd DSOTM. It was mixed by Alan Parsons for the UK version. I am an audio engineer & I picked up a copy from another engineer / instructor at the school in Tempe AZ on a Hi-8 tape formatted for the tascam DA-88 tape machine back in 2000. I never gave it much thought since you can get this on SACD but after listening to both mixes I discovered the mix I got on the tape was much better & different than the SACD version so I think I got a real GEM but not sure. If one of you quadheads wants to help me figure out what mix/version I got I can send you a reel to reel version of this recording to check it out & let me know exactly what it is I have. Keep the reel I got plenty. It will be recorded @7.5ips tails out. I am in Seattle

The SACD is definitely a new mix from the original master tapes. Your tape sounds as if it might be the Quadraphonic mix from the 1970s, my personal favorite mix in any format of all time.

It would be interesting to know the quality of the tape, what the bits / kHz are, etc. Another consideration when mixes pop up is if they are different from the "offical" Quadraphonic mix. Is something from a different mixing session before it was released. It is also well known that a DVD-Audio of this title of remarkable quality is "out there." Reliable sources have mentioned here that an official release of the original Quad would be coming out sometime along with other vintage Pink Floyd surround material.
Witch version, you say?


Very rare, that Witch version.
I consider the Parsons version described by OQG to be superior to the SACD, FWIW. Better separation and sound quality, with a more interesting mix.
Hello quad guy,
sounds interesting. As I have both the SACD and four different pressings of the original SQ coded record I´d be interested to listen to this tape you have. Should work well on the Teac A3340. If its not too much of a bother to send a tape to Europe you can contact me via Private Messages.
Four Rules
I think the SACD mix sounds like non-logic matrix quad with occasional discrete items here and there - very 'fuzzy' and not at all interesting to listen to. The Parsons Quad mix actually pulls you into the songs - the 'world' of the album. The SACD, not at all.
The mix I have is discrete and only 4 channels no center or sub. On the song us & them each time he sings a word it comes out of a differant speaker. On Money the cash register noises come out of a differant speaker and circle the room it is very 3 dimensional. Everybody must be seated while the room is spinning! I think a hardcore Pink Floyd fan could figure out what mix it is. Too bad you cant put quad music on the internet.
Some people dont know how to mix for quad. I got the Doobie Brothers captain & me on DVD audio and pre recorded reel to reel from the 70's. The reel version sounds much better! The background vocals are in the 2 rear speakers and not in the front. The DVD version everything sounds too blended together and not discrete at all. Ted templeman knew what he was doing and also worked on their latest release that just came out last month.
The mix I have is discrete and only 4 channels no center or sub. On the song us & them each time he sings a word it comes out of a differant speaker. On Money the cash register noises come out of a differant speaker and circle the room it is very 3 dimensional. Everybody must be seated while the room is spinning! I think a hardcore Pink Floyd fan could figure out what mix it is. Too bad you cant put quad music on the internet.

It's the regular quad mix that Alan Parsons did - it was used for the SQ release, various Q8's and the bootleg DVD-Audio that's out there.
The wide-circulated bootleg DVD-A version is 4.1 -- it has bass content in the .1 channel. From what I've read, that content duplicates what's in the other channels, basically 'doubling up' the bass.

This has led some to make a 4.0 version from that (i.e., a version with just the L/R/SL/SR content of the 4.1 mix).
When I listen to the DVD-A of "Dark Side", I still can't believe I'm hearing it - that I don't have to listen to the artifacts of Vector Cancellation decoded SQ or the limitations of 8-Track. What a 'gift' to the quad community that release is... and done with such high quality. Amazing.
This is the mix that came from the masters. This was given to several people to educate the public about the real mix. A quadfellow got this out several years ago now and it sounds like this may get an official release also.
After reading the article 4 sides of the moon & playing this back I have figured out that I definitely have the discrete UK mix used to make the UK 8 track tapes. I will make a video & put it on U tube. I would be willing to trade copies for other titles I dont have if you know of someone who has the reel to reels and can make me copies. The sound quality is very good CD like very flat on all frequencys
After reading the article 4 sides of the moon & playing this back I have figured out that I definitely have the discrete UK mix used to make the UK 8 track tapes. I will make a video & put it on U tube. I would be willing to trade copies for other titles I dont have if you know of someone who has the reel to reels and can make me copies. The sound quality is very good CD like very flat on all frequencys

This is already "out there". Check out this thread:

Of course, this does not diminish your tape. Very good find!
OK thanks I was not sure what I had thats why I googled it & found this place. There are more people into quad that I thought.

The online surround community is a very big one. There are all sorts of pockets everywhere, and each has its own outlook and piece of the pie. This is only one sliver. Glad you found us.