Yeah I have my suspicions based on the way it is edited. Do you happen to have a source for your info? "FortyFabio" expressed my concern nicely in his comment on superdeluxedition so I'll quote them:
FortyFabio says:
August 29, 2019 at 17:19
I’m afraid that the Delicate SOT live video will be “restored” from the standard definition edited video tape and not from the original 35mm film (which probably doesn’t exist anymore). The 80’s style of the edition (directed by Wayne Isham) shows that it was made after the 35mm film was transfered to video tape. If it really was restored from the original negative, it will be very silly to replicate (make all over again) the edit with all the exaggerated public reaction, forced slow motion, etc, etc.
I’m hoping for a full restoration from the negatives with a full HD 16:9 presentation for the blu-ray, and of course edited in a more “realistic” way, taking in consideration that numerous shots were made without the audience. But I don’t think this is the case, let’s wait for more details.