Well, there are so many “standards” that they really aren’t standards. I recall a handful of forays into digital audio that eventually fell by the wayside, like outputting a digital signal in the form of an analog TV signal so it could be recorded on videotape. I never could play one of those, and I don’t feel like I’ve missed out on anything.
As far as surround vinyl is concerned, face it, all those formats were a flash in the pan - they showed up, but not enough people felt they were worth the expense and bother to keep them alive for more than about ten years. Many of us here are using antique gear in order to play antique formats. I’ve noted my own minor obsession with the EVR format, which was even shorter-lived. I also collect View-Master 3D reels, which are not compatible with anything but themselves. Another niche that some of us love, but most simply don’t care about.
I suspect that a lot of the market confusion we’re seeing is going to result in a few winners and several losers. I’m not clairvoyant enough to predict what falls into where, but, like many of us here, I’m making a handful of choices as to which products I’ll support and which I’ll pass on. I’ve gotten rid of anything on tape, for example, and I’m hanging on to my 3D TV instead of replacing it with 4K.
Choices like those are individual preferences. You say tomayto, I say tomahto.