@humprof Multiple genres are supported. The default separator is ‘ / ‘
Genre Tag: Rock / Space Rock
Creates two genre references for the file in the library:
Space Rock
Great--thanks. In my test runs, that separator seems to be working as planned!
Users can also specify multiple artists with any of these (and user definable/changeable) delimiters:
<separator> feat. </separator>
<separator> ft. </separator>
I need to confirm but I think this NUC’s Kodi also defines ‘ with ‘
Artist Tag: Elton John with Kikki Dee
Creates two Artist references in the library:
Elton John
Kikki Dee
Here, by contrast, things initially went a bit awry. (And once again I'm gonna be the kid in the class who makes all the other students' eyes roll whenever he opens his mouth.)
I clearly need to go back to your primer, and to the Kodi Wiki, and give the sections on
NFO Files some more study. Because it seems--and correct me if I'm wrong--that both here and in
your answer to
@BuhBuhRay this morning, you're talking about adding or defining tags via XML markup, whereas so far I've only been working with Mp3tag's UI. And when I tried using the above separators in the "Artist" or "AlbumArtist" fields in Mp3tag, I wound up in Kodi with, e.g., "Minnesota Orchestra|Osmo Vänskä" as an artist (rather than "Minnesota Orchestra" and "Osmo Vänskä")--no doubt because I didn't have "|" defined anywhere as an artistseparator. (Turns out Mp3tag uses "\\" as its default artistseparator.)
Live & learn. But that leads to (more eye-rolling) another question, which I'll pose in a separate post.
For now, though--and this relates more to your answer to BuhBuhRay: I've figured out how to add, from a drop-down list of prompts in the relevant Mp3tag "Options" setting, extended fields like "Conductor" or "InvolvedPeople" to the Tag Panel and File List portions of the main window of Mp3tag. Presumably there's a way to create & add
custom user-defined fields as well. And/or, as I said: I can just go back to the books and get my head straight on NFO Files.