QQ Media Player NUC Buyers Club - Discussion


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Ok. Running Windows on wired connection with a 15TB hard drive attached.
I'm trying to get Kodi to access the drive with all the music on it.
My PC sees the Nuc and i can move folders in and out no problem. But I can't get the Nuc to see my 2 Pc's on the network, but it does see 2 Synology boxes i have on the network. Just tried the instructions in post 397 with no luck.

Were you able to determine the IP adresses of the two PCs?
I'm trying to get Kodi to access the drive with all the music on it.

OK. I just went through the process. Its a Kodi Settings that needs to be changed:

Go to the Kodi System-> Services window:

Scroll down to: SMB client on left

Find the Setting: Enable WS-Discovery Service

Enable that setting (as shown above)

With that enabled:


Go to MEDIA Settings, MUSIC

and add a new Kodi MUSIC source:

Add Music
then: Browse

Then select: Windows Ntwork (SMB)

then: Select your PC (by name)

Then: Enter your PC's share Username & Password:

And: Enable: Remember for this path

To Save you must navigate to the small 'Tick' icon/button at top right and Click on it to Save

Now you will see all the Shared folders on your PC:

Select the one to your want (see above):

Save again navigating to the top right 'TICK' and CLICK to save

Now Kodi will ask if you want to Scan the folders into your Koi Music Library

(This is already documented in the NUC docs)



And YES, I agree that horrible SAVE icon on these dialogs is terrible. I do not know why they do not have big SAVE buttons
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And YES, I agree that horrible SAVE icon on these dialogs is terrible. I do not know why they do not have big SAVE buttons
Re-skin it then, you know you want to !!!

SMB is pretty horrible, but I guess most people are probably using that to share their stuff. NFS is better and faster but you either need to buy a consumer NAS or roll your own (or indeed, just share via nfs from some pc(s), like me!!).

I tried loading files using my Android TV or AVR - they both choked on the entire library (~30k tracks)
My library is roughly 28k tracks and Kodi copes with that with no issues. Individual song selection and filtering is a little slow but that's down to the sql(ite) queries not kodi itself.

Im in a bit of a kodi transition. Up to now, all artist info was stored in the local music folders (the stereo folders to be exact). The fanart, info, logo, etc. At one of the prior updates, kodi started creating artist information folders, also stored locally, and there is info in there as well.

The centralized artist information directory that Is implemented on the QQ build is certainly the way to go. Should i start deleting the local stuff?

It appears during playback, kodi continues to use the local thumbnail. Should i keep it that way? Are there thumbnails in the Artist information directory? If i have thumbs i really like, i can place them there correct?

I run 2 kodi boxes in my house. One on my surround setup and one stereo setup in my master bedroom. They share the same NAS. Garry mentioned that i would want to move the artist information directory to my NAS, point both kodi boxes to it, and update only that one directory.

Yeah, a centralized Artist Information Directory is certainly the way to go, especially given that you are likely using some form of shared db (MySQL, MariaDB etc). Once done, updating on either Kodi box will automatically share that with the other. Thumbs, I'm not sure about. I'd have to look at the code but I do know that if you change one in a directory, Kodi won't reflect that for 24 hours, after which it will update. Scanning might change that though.
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SMB is pretty horrible, but I guess most people are probably using that to share their stuff. NFS is better and faster but you either need to buy a consumer NAS or roll your own (or indeed, just share via nfs from some pc(s), like me!!).
Can you elaborate on the advantages of using NFS? You said its better and faster, so i guess faster is an advantage. I assume you mean faster data transfer?
Can you elaborate on the advantages of using NFS? You said its better and faster, so i guess faster is an advantage. I assume you mean faster data transfer?
Yes. NFS has less overheads compared to SMB so network transfer is faster. It's not hugely faster but it could make a difference if you have lots of other local traffic on your network. For me, that's kids streaming stuff, TVHeadend serving to up to 4 instances, radio streaming etc.
Also, given that all my kit is based around Linux, NFS gives me a finer control over who can access what. EG, kids can have read access but no write access. There is a load of tech stuff behind this but it's easier with NFSv4 than v3. Kids don't have access to 'sudo' anyway, so there is no chance that they can log in as root and change anything.
If I'd set this all up with Windows servers etc I'd have gone down the SMB route as that's the native file-sharing method. With Linux. I had a choice but went with NFS because that's more native than smb (and for me was easier to get working).

There isn't really a right or wrong way. Everyone has different needs, different kit etc so it just boils down to "whatever works for you" and that's the right way to go. Fortunately, Kodi supports NFS, SMB, HTTP(s), webdav, FTTP(s), etc etc so a good variety of ways to share things around!!!