QuadraphonicQuad Spelling and Pronunciation Guide


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I worked in R&D for years at a rechargeable battery manufacturing plant, and under the direction of various PhD's over those years. Seems as though many of them were not so good at spelling, I came to find out.
This one PhD I worked for -a very fine fellow, by the way- always gave me a copy of his monthly report before sending it to our manager. I would correct the spelling mistakes and return it to him. He would get sort of angry about it, even when I pointed out that he did not want to look bad to our boss. After a few months of this, he instructed me to NEVER make spelling corrections to his reports. lol. So I stopped, of course, but often had a good laugh and sometimes joked with him about his atrocious spelling. He was a good sport as long as I did not correct his reports!

In recent years I've become more lax in how I write in public, and I'll overlook your grammar if you'll be so kind as to overlook mine!
No because both convey the same message.
Leaving the "not" out totally flips the message you are trying to convey.

The pedantry around this is amusing. It's not like it's going to stop the evolution of language* - or stop New Yorkers like me from saying :
"I could care less what you think".

People who know the idiom know, from tone and context, what it means. They don't take it robotically literally, any more than they take "I should be so lucky' to mean "I deserve to be so lucky"

*"I could care less" dates from at least the 1950s, according to online sources. And now it's even in Merriam-Webster as having the same meaning as the British-born 'couldn't care less' . Dictionary-makers know that language in practice can be illogical on its face. So give it up, pedants. You lost.
The pedantry around this is amusing. It's not like it's going to stop the evolution of language* - or stop New Yorkers like me from saying :
"I could care less what you think".

People who know the idiom know, from tone and context, what it means. They don't take it robotically literally, any more than they take "I should be so lucky' to mean "I deserve to be so lucky"

*"I could care less" dates from at least the 1950s, according to online sources. And now it's even in Merriam-Webster as having the same meaning as the British-born 'couldn't care less' . Dictionary-makers know that language in practice can be illogical on its face. So give it up, pedants. You lost.
You know, it's not like my head explodes when someone uses the phrase. The question was asked and I threw it out on the table as an example. Geez, lighten up Francis.
The pedantry around this is amusing. It's not like it's going to stop the evolution of language* - or stop New Yorkers like me from saying :
"I could care less what you think".

People who know the idiom know, from tone and context, what it means. They don't take it robotically literally, any more than they take "I should be so lucky' to mean "I deserve to be so lucky"

*"I could care less" dates from at least the 1950s, according to online sources. And now it's even in Merriam-Webster as having the same meaning as the British-born 'couldn't care less' . Dictionary-makers know that language in practice can be illogical on its face. So give it up, pedants. You lost.
NJ preference is to say, "Who gives a shit?" It's more encompassing given that it's short form for, "I don't give a shit and neither does anyone else."
"The pedantry around this is amusing." Yes., greatly! There might be no more ironically suitable phrase(s) to differ with by pedantic opinions! Somebody should write this into a skit.

Could/couldn't care less, I remember my Mom and a neighbor going on about this 45 years ago.
Do you remember my post about discrete and discreet?

QuadraphonicQuad Spelling and Pronunciation Guide

I think I've found this "error" in the @sjcorne excelent Steven Wilson interview.

Steven Wilson says:
That’s certainly not my experience. In fact, I think the opposite may be true: you need to be even more aggressive and creative to make it count spatially in binaural. If you do a conservative mix in Atmos, it’ll just sound like stereo in binaural. If you move things really discreetly to the sides or above, then at least you get a little bit more of that impression in binaural.

It should be discretely, instead of discreetly. It was you, @sjcorne ? Or Steven fault? Or the automatic spell checker? :ROFLMAO:
Do you remember my post about discrete and discreet?

QuadraphonicQuad Spelling and Pronunciation Guide

I think I've found this "error" in the @sjcorne excelent Steven Wilson interview.

Steven Wilson says:
That’s certainly not my experience. In fact, I think the opposite may be true: you need to be even more aggressive and creative to make it count spatially in binaural. If you do a conservative mix in Atmos, it’ll just sound like stereo in binaural. If you move things really discreetly to the sides or above, then at least you get a little bit more of that impression in binaural.

It should be discretely, instead of discreetly. It was you, @sjcorne ? Or Steven fault? Or the automatic spell checker? :ROFLMAO:

excellent lmao Making errors, while pointing out errors. Classic! :LOL:
Do you remember my post about discrete and discreet?

QuadraphonicQuad Spelling and Pronunciation Guide

I think I've found this "error" in the @sjcorne excelent Steven Wilson interview.

Steven Wilson says:
That’s certainly not my experience. In fact, I think the opposite may be true: you need to be even more aggressive and creative to make it count spatially in binaural. If you do a conservative mix in Atmos, it’ll just sound like stereo in binaural. If you move things really discreetly to the sides or above, then at least you get a little bit more of that impression in binaural.

It should be discretely, instead of discreetly. It was you, @sjcorne ? Or Steven fault? Or the automatic spell checker? :ROFLMAO:
But what if SW means that he's moving things discreetly, as in a careful and prudent manner? That is how I read it.
Twofer (tōō-fer)
1. an item that comprises two items but is sold for the price of one
2. a typical Dutton Vocalion surround sound offering

Ophir (ō-fer)
1. a biblical land of uncertain location but reputedly rich in gold
2. a big box set, such as Revolver, devoid of a surround sound mix but reputedly costing a mountain of gold
Ophir (ō-fer)
1. a biblical land of uncertain location but reputedly rich in gold
2. a big box set, such as Revolver, devoid of a surround sound mix but reputedly costing a mountain of gold