I'm getting very interested in this.
Thanks oxforddickie!
The offer is for 3 months.
Please note the special QS/ SQ switch-able unit for QQ members will be priced at $495 (to help pay for R+D given low market volume). Simple maths tells me that there is no cost penalty for buying the standard unit at $395 and taking advantage of the free software modification offer!! Hint Hint.
True - although some may want to wait and see if the current unit is in fact able to pick up SQ decoding through a software upgrade vs. a more extensive revision.
I'm also wondering:
a) what mode you would use with the unit to play back the "Dolby Surround" encoded CDs from RCA/BMG. Would that be the standard QS mode? Or the future SQ mode?
b) when you say that the TSS 2-Channel enhancement mode is lost when SQ is added, is that permanently? Or only when SQ is present? (In other words, can you get it back later after trying the SQ mode?)
I already ordered mine, has not arrived yet, but I still have minor questions.
I will use this unit mainly for CD Playback, maybe DVD with Music or the answers to my questiosn are answered, even flac files and blu ray:
1) Would the Surround Master benefit form a better player? For instance. Would it be the same If I play it through a Walkman connected to the unit or a Ultramegamaster perfect Rotel player?
2) Would the player benefit from playing lossless audio, rather than CDs, given lossless audio has "more info"?
Also, while I plan to just buy a box already set up for SQ/QS. Will the update be a software update? If so is it possible that the update could be performed by the user?
Hi Q8
The update is purely a software update (with the removal of the TSS 2CH label off the front panel). Unfortunately the update must be done in our factory.
Got mine as well!! Thanks to all who created this wonderful piece. It is quite an amazing thing. The QS decoding is stunning and my first experiments using the 5.1 are excellent compared to the original prototype that I had. No pumping and really smooth sound. Also the addition of a single 9v power supply versus the dual 12v plugs is most welcome. In the box you get the surround master unit, 2 3-way connection cables, 1 2-way connection cable, instruction manual, and a power supply with 4 different tips for different countries. I can only imagine how many hours I am going to spend playing all my favorite cds and LP's through this thing. So far my Christmas has been most excellent!!!
Thanks again.
Would the player benefit from playing lossless audio, rather than CDs, given lossless audio has "more info"?
"Lossy" audio technically refers to audio information being removed due to compression. MP3s are lossy. Redbook CD's are not lossy. Let's not confuse it with different bitrates, which is not the same thing.
OD was correct, and was correct to point out that the question didn't really make sense.
Bob, you'll have to let us know if there are particular CDs and encoded discs that perform better than others. Looking forward to hearing more of your impressions as the evaluation continues !