New Maiden!
New Maiden!
Colonel Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade performing Pink Floyd Animals in it's entirety, plus a bunch of dope bonus Floyd songs at the end.
I am extremely stoned, possibly more than I've been in years, and that's really saying something, but did you know that Joe Walsh plays guitar on this old ditty? Daaang!
Of course, this is the PERFECT Yacht Rock song. I would never tire of hearing this...epsecially if I were at a bar looking across the Gulf Of Mexico.
Crap, didn't know Jay Ferguson sang this tune, I haven't heard this thing in YEARS!!
And to further blow my is Jay Ferguson singing in 1972 for a band called Jo Jo Gunne. I remember this song!!
Crap, didn't know Jay Ferguson sang this tune, I haven't heard this thing in YEARS!!
I believe Mark Andes was also in Jo Jo Gunne. (original Spirit member)And now, my mind is gone. Jay Ferguson was a founding memeber of Spirit! Holy Shit. Who wooda thunk? And, he wrote a hell of a lot of their music, even on their debut album. GEEEEEZZZZ