Thanks guys! I'll go back over the instructions again. I have one question. Other than downloading the file needed to rip do I need to have the BR player hooked up to my computer?
Again, the other existing thread is the best place for any questions, but to briefly answer your question here, the thing you are putting on the flash drive is not a file as you've described it above, it is a
That folder is called AutoScript, and it contains 3 files. The article on Copper isn't all that great, it fails to cover some important details, including the one I just mentioned.
The reason your S590's disc drawer isn't opening when you insert the flash drive is that you don't have the AutoScript folder I'm describing.
Additionally, by your original description of what you've done, we have no idea where you even got the thing you put on the flash drive, but it is a folder and not a file that's necessary, and only one specific version of the AutoScript folder works with an S590.
The S590 must be connected not to your computer, but to your network. Yes you do have to go through that setup in the Sony's on-screen Settings menus, but I believe you said that had been done and you were successfully on your WiFi network. If so great, just jot down the IP address that your router has provisioned to that player, because you will need it for the ripping software that runs on your computer.
The existing thread here has the details for how to setup your computer to run the rips, however we'll need important details such as your operating system (Windows, Mac, or Linux), and some other particulars to get it up and running. It's not hard, but a cursory glance at a video won't get it done, and that Copper article is a suboptimal attempt at just paraphrasing the very informative HiFiHaven thread, it lacks some important details and is flat out incorrect on others from what I've seen.