I’m along the same lines. I think the re-do of the songs/singing style to be more of a lounge style is in fact, a good choice that works well.I was deeply annoyed with how good the Atmos mix of Redux was. May pick it up on disk if it is offered outside the box set.
What doesn’t, is well… everything else. The poetry that beats the “meaning” of a not particularly lyrically deep album into your head, the sense that somehow he’s messing up his own reading (there’s a track, I don’t care to check which one, where he seems to restart the poem something like 5 times, before ending with “Welcome to hell”, yes Roger, listening to your poetry makes me seem like I am in fact, in hell).
I recall reading, ages ago, that the original lyrics of DSOTM were kept simple using simple English to be broadly understood by large swaths of people, and furthermore that this was a conscious decision by Waters at the albums writing and recording. Why 50 years later he thinks his own handiwork has fallen short I don’t know, and I don’t know why he chose to “fix” it by adding Vogon poetry, but I guess that’s his prerogative. I’d only be interested in a disk if it’s:
Not in a box set
Has a “sans poetry” option