running scripts in 2024 - Adobe issues - Help!


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Jun 28, 2016
Hi, been sevral years since I decoded anything and with a new swag of QS and SQ I thought Id try again, so Installed AA3 and Phasebug got the latest scripts and ran it the 2015 combo one. It does the front but when it starts the rear the script stops, so I went with the 2013 one, same, then the new improved QS and always stopps at the same mark.
This is on windows 11, I ran compatabillty mode for win7 as well no joy, moved where I had the front rear/scripts no joy. Then Installed Windows 10 on spare drive, clean install, same issue, my AA3 is version 7283.0,, and im using latest phasebug. is there anything else I'm forgetting? Next step is installing win 7 on a old laptop if I can!

whats wierd is it can do the processing on the fronts fine its only when it gets to the rears it stops

Update, Same thing happens on a clean windows 7 install

found a AA 3.0.1, tried a SQ, just a min 96/24 front rear same file. does all the front processing and quits. Could this be phasebug? are there older versions out there

Futher Update. tried using _ Audition_3_Scripts_-_kempfand, and low and behold both SQ and QS work, im pretty sure the 2015 script was better?!? don't remember been almost 10 years, went back to that script still fails even tried resampling to 32 bit, nope

Also, is this the same as Front Rear that im used to doing?

(d) Save As : I:\QS Data\LF Rs.wav

(e) Save As : I:\QS Data\Ls RF.wav
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Have you pointed Audition to the correct path to find Phasebug?
Effects - Add/Remove VST Directory...
Mine is in C:\Program Files (x86)\VSTPlugins although you could have it anywhere.
Have you pointed Audition to the correct path to find Phasebug?
Effects - Add/Remove VST Directory...
Mine is in C:\Program Files (x86)\VSTPlugins although you could have it anywhere.

I did try that at first and then on a clean build of Win7, and then yesterday I scanned for plugins, when I had done before, and now it works!!. still works at the same speed as it did on my old system 10 years ago but works!, thats the main thing.
I'm using the combo 2015 script as its the newest I could find, I know there were better ones that were only privatly shared, i know as I had them b4 a system crash. Wonder if anyone here has them now