Should a Q8 Include a Foil Strip?


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Audio Engineer/Enthusiast
Jul 13, 2015
Portland, OR, USA
I recently acquired a refurbished Akai CR-80D-SS in beautiful working condition so that I can expand my surround collection to Q8s. To test the unit and start my collection, I picked up a confirmed working Q8 of Average White Band's AWB, plus its stereo counterpart. The stereo 8-track definitely has a foil strip and will trigger a program change on the player. The quadraphonic one, however, will just play either program continuously without changing automatically. I haven't confirmed the presence or absence of a foil strip on the Q8, but given that I'm completely new to Q8s and 8-tracks in general, I figured I should ask: is a Q8 supposed to have a foil strip? Or do all Q8s require manual program changes?
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There should be a foil strip just like the stereo tape, maybe the quad tape was repaired at one time and they just didn't use the foil.
Thanks for the confirmation that it should be there! This is what I'm thinking might have happened. Or, the foil simply delaminated at some point. The splice is audible when it moves past the playback head. The cartridge otherwise plays flawlessly, so for now, I think I'll just locate the splice and apply a replacement foil strip.
All 8 tracks tape are supposed to have the foil strip/splice for automatic track change.

As for myself I've repaired a few using just a regular splice. I only play my 8-tracks when I want I make a digital copy and so don't care about the foil splice or automatic track changing.
Some foil splices get sort of worn out. There might be foil there but need a new one. Happens with both my stereo and quad Akai decks.
I had one turn inside out recently. Tape was playing fine and then suddenly sounded muffled. I played it for a little longer and it got stuck. When I looked, the inside of the tape was facing outward. Not sure how that happens(a little gremlin inside the cart?), I had to pull out about 10 feet from the center hub to get to the splice and several more feet from the outside of the hub which was inside out, pull the tension back, partially spool to another hub, then respool and resplice. Got to love 8 tracks :).
I had one turn inside out recently. Tape was playing fine and then suddenly sounded muffled. I played it for a little longer and it got stuck. When I looked, the inside of the tape was facing outward. Not sure how that happens(a little gremlin inside the cart?), I had to pull out about 10 feet from the center hub to get to the splice and several more feet from the outside of the hub which was inside out, pull the tension back, partially spool to another hub, then respool and resplice. Got to love 8 tracks :).
I had that happen on occasion. I don't like to play 8-tracks, you never know if something bad will happen to the tape and if you will be able to repair it. :unsure:
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I’ve done a pretty good job of digitizing all my tapes. I never had any Q8s, but I had sterep 8 tracks for a few years, until my Akai X1800-SD died beyond resurrection and my cartridge pinch rollers gummed up the tapes themselves. I’m pretty sure I have at least LP copies of all my 8 tracks except the ones I bought from American Airlines. Good make-out music on those, but alas, those days are long gone as well.