Just to confirm, the classical stuff is ambient surround, yes?
No, they're made from authentic Quad recordings. The center channel seems to have been made from joined left and right channel. This can easily be fixed by turning of the center or unplugging it. I love the sound of these discs.
No, they're made from authentic Quad recordings. The center channel seems to have been made from joined left and right channel. This can easily be fixed by turning of the center or unplugging it. I love the sound of these discs.
It's only a suite, but I really rate this Nutcracker for lots going on in the rears: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nutcracker...5080&sr=8-3&keywords=DTS+nutcracker+dvd+audio
It's quite a bit more than I was expecting though - maybe cheaper on ebay.
EDIT: There's currently one for under six quid!
Now, Adam. It was in the context of comparison to a Silverline title, and to be very fair I'm not sure you're the one to get strict on staying on topic.
Calm down, Adam. It's not about you, no need for victim mentality.
in the interests of fairness, why make it personal and decry my posting habits? I've not made any such personal comments about you or towards you..
..all I meant was just that DTS title you mentioned is not a Silverline title, that's all I was saying.. you never mentioned it was for comparison purposes to a Silverline Classical 5.1 release.. if you had done so, do you think I would have posted anything to the effect of "but it's not a Silverline" etc..?
as a follow-on it'd be nice to see if any of these Silverline Classical surround titles are the real deal, or just the more typical Silverline fudge..
or am I not allowed to say that either? crikey..
anyway.. back on topic.. I ran the Abravanel Requiem Silverline DVD-A thru Audacity this morning.. and from checking out the 6 x stems it looks how it sounded back when I got it = upmix from Stereo or 5.1 remix imho and not from the old Quad, unless they took the old Quad and rejigged it somewhat.. the back of the Silverline Requiem DVD-A box actually says "remixed and remastered from the original session master tapes" which doesn't indicate anything wrt Quad to me, it sounds more like a possible 5.1 remix from multitrack masters.. but who knows, its a Silverline, so anything is possible imho..
.. also maybe you could consider when you criticise someone for being off topic etc. (something I do not deny btw) remember there is a person behind the username, we're all human..
Adam, you were saying that I was off topic. I was saying that you're not really in a place to take umbrage with that. Nothing personal, other than gently pointing out that as you do so often yourself, I don't think you're the one to point it out to me. Then as I saw it you threw a bit of a hissy fit for being called out (and mistakenly too, in my opinion). I've seen you come down harshly on a few people recently, but a gentle defence to you and it gets heated. Also, if you read my previous post that you criticised that was directly under yours it was a response to the mix of the Silverline Nutcracker as referenced in your post that was above mine where I responded to it. You're welcome to the last word, I'm happy to move on.
In fairness all around, some of the Vanguard titles were done in quad, and some (notably the early ones) were not. As I've indicated, the Mahler 2nd is from 1967 and is presumably an upmix into surround. I don't actually have the Berlioz disc because I have the Quad SACD released by Vanguard/Omega, which also has the Mahler 1st on the 2nd disc. The SACD is clearly in quad, but it's worth remembering that the Berlioz is not an 80 minute quadraphonic spectacular - it's mostly in stereo, with the use of the brass bands from the four corners/speakers during the dies irae to heighten the sense of drama and terror and shock for that movement.
I haven't done a detailed check of every Silverline disc. Of the Mahler cycle, 1, 3, 5, & 6 were released in quad at some point, as was the Berlioz requiem. The Sibelius and Brahms discs never had a quad release, but they were recorded inthe later 70s and were presumably recorded to 8 or 16 track tape, so a surround mix should be possible. Source: http://www.surrounddiscography.com/quaddisc/quadclas.htm#V
As I've said before, Silverline was always a bit cagey as to what had a surround source and what didn't and was upmixed. However, given that they did manage to get the master tapes and the transfers were done well, at least, it doesn't strike me as a serious issue given the low prices.
Thanks ubertrout.
Is this the Requiem SACD you own that is from the Vanguard Quad, please?
Not sure I would put Blue Oyster Cult - A Long Day’s Night in the "titles that shine" category, mix wise, but I still appreciate the thread and the conversation. I have way too many poor Silverline discs so the bar may be set pretty low which is understandable.