Simply random stuff


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Actually, the email is free, so I won’t be billed for that. I have two verizon email addresses, and Outlook used to work fine with both of them, but when they sent all the email over to AOL, one of them stopped working and they instituted that stupid “third party” password nonsense. I can only get the second email through the web interface at AOL.

I started using Verizon when I got FIOS in Virginia, and it was awesome. I’ve been using it since I left prodigy, so there’s going to be a lot of legacy connections that I’m going to have to change, and that’s going to be a righteous PITA.
Prodigy. There's something I haven't heard of in a while. I got a free subscript to it with some purchase many, many years ago. But I only had dial up so it and AOL were a pita. I mostly used Compuserve with an 800 WATTS line and software that would pull the newer posts on interested (programming) forums and download fast.
I'm connected to the Charter monopoly here at present...

I tried AT&T maybe 10 years ago now when I was pissed off at Charter once. Every other month for that year the bill was incorrect. The phone call was minimum 1hr every time. Literally and no exaggeration. When I tried to cancel at the end of the year (was a 1 year contract, yes) they would hang up. Every time. 6 or 7 tries. They renewed the service and sent the next bill of course. I had to call the public service and utilities commission and open a format case. (Or whatever entity it was.) They explained this type of crime was common. I'd expect a disingenuous apology phone call from some 'executive' in a couple days and they would be forced to refund me. Probably about 4 hours or so of phone time for all that.

Yeah, just stamp an official logo on some shirts, trucks, and buildings and make a webpage and you can just openly commit crime. Masquerade as a business or utility and play the numbers game that only a percentage will complain. Invest in a congressman or senator and write your own tax laws. Another small bit fueling my complete lack of trust of credentials, certifications, titles, degrees, etc. and being cynical about nearly everything.
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