Simply random stuff


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I was up checking for a break in the clouds around that time. It stayed completely overcast until almost day break. I went ahead and took a shot of the full moon sneaking through a break in clouds....but sure wanted that 'blood' moon. I do have a different set from a blood moon some years ago now. I'll look for them and post one. Might take a bit to find it. I am not good at cataloging my images.. Thank you Sonik 🤝
Even without the eclipse, that's a pretty awesome shot.
Even without the eclipse, that's a pretty awesome shot.
Thank you Bill. 🤝 That was right in front of our front windows. I kept waiting with gear all set to go. Happy though that I was able to get a blood moon image in the past though. Friggen Montana weather......🙃 This image was just before dark. Forest fire smoke turned the late evening light sort of violet. October 2020
Its for sale. Id Love to buy it but Im quite sure Mrs Cbmmm3 would not approve.

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I can understand why your wife wouldn't want you to have it. That car is definitely a chick magnet. I'm sure you would find a way to get in trouble with it.

On the other hand, think of the subwoofer you could put in the rear!
I had a '64 (I think) Ford Falcon wagon many years ago. Only wagon I ever owned.
As a struggling young man with an entry level job - and pay - I had a Datsun B210 Station Wagon. I think it was a 1972 or 73.- I think. It was a slower than molasses in January, the heater barely worked ( froze my ass off on the winter ) and it was a baby blue / powder blue ugly color - with rust. Ah, the good ole days

As a struggling young man with an entry level job - and pay - I had a Datsun B210 Station Wagon. I think it was a 1972 or 73.- I think. It was a slower than molasses in January, the heater barely worked ( froze my ass off on the winter ) and it was a baby blue / powder blue ugly color - with rust. Ah, the good ole days

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Did you ever cook on the manifold? lol.
My ex and I used to take leisurely trips in the old wagon down to Fort Meyers to visit friends. We would wrap burgers and/or other things in aluminum foil and place on the engine. About half way we would stop at a roadside park on either 41 or 301 and have a meal before continuing on. The old straight 6 had a perfect spot for placing the goodies for cooking.
Did you ever cook on the manifold? lol.
My ex and I used to take leisurely trips in the old wagon down to Fort Meyers to visit friends. We would wrap burgers and/or other things in aluminum foil and place on the engine. About half way we would stop at a roadside park on either 41 or 301 and have a meal before continuing on. The old straight 6 had a perfect spot for placing the goodies for cooking.

Boonie, your wealth of knowledge never ceases to amaze. Blue with gas...

straight six.jpg
My Mother absolutely loved watching Ward Bond.
Well I did as well.
Twenty mule team Borax!

At age 57, he died too young. Back in 1960 the average life expectancy in the USA was 66+ for men and 73+ for women. It was going up consistently for awhile but then we got the double whammy of opioids and Covid. Nowadays, the average life expectancy in the USA is just a little north of 77.