Son Contrabando, debut album in hi res surround and stereo


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A simple small footprint PC with HDMI out plus storage along with Foobar2000 (free) and you're off. Using DVDA extractor can also help you pull 5.1 and 4.0 (and even 3.1) from DVDAs and have them as nice and easy MCH FLAC. I still have the Oppo and I will still be upgrading to a new one soon enough, but for my own needle drops from the Surround Master and for converting my existing archive, it really works and it works well. So well in fact that I am adding the e28 Exasound MCH DAC in the new year. The set up even allows me to run stereo from the 3.5mm analog out of the PC into the stereo switch that has the Oppo and the record deck connected so I can play QS and SQ encoded stereo FLACs or CDs through the Surround Master with total ease. Foobar2000 let's you dynamically change whether you are outputting 5.1 or 4.0 via HDMI or whether you are using the HD stereo out.

Thanks for all the great info! :)

(Apologies for going off topic but while I've got your attention on this subject..! :eek: ) What kind of multichannel device/interface are you using to record in the Surround Master decoded 4 channels of your SQ and QS vinyl?
Thanks for all the positive comments everyone! :)

Just FYI: DVDA iso disc image file is uploading at present (as a 5 part rar). You can burn it with Disk Utility (OSX) or Imgburn (Windows). Check back a little later.

Very cool..! Thank you!

Ps. When's your next surround project coming out? Sign me up for one! :p
Thanks for all the great info! :)

(Apologies for going off topic but while I've got your attention on this subject..! :eek: ) What kind of multichannel device/interface are you using to record in the Surround Master decoded 4 channels of your SQ and QS vinyl?

A lovely new MOTU 828x, all Thunderbolt loveliness. Over kill perhaps but the converters are top notch.
Wow! At first I was lukewarm on this, but then I listened to half of the tracks and I thought, wait, only 5 bucks for this in Surround? Sold. Paid more, 5.1 FLAC downloading right now. Great surprise!!
For 5 bux - Snood is in..........listened to some clips seemed pretty koo, plus my Spanish neighbors might finally enjoy some of Snood's loud tunes :rolleyes:
Ummmmm, Snood have a prob with the download - Downloaded the flac and wav and both are only stereo - no 5.1 ummmm whaaaaaa??