Sony UBP 800M2 - End of Life?


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Senior Member
May 12, 2023
Bonn, NRW
Does anyone know whether Sony hast stopped production of this player? At least in Europe there is barely stock at dealers and for remaining players prices are rocketing even for used or refurbished ones!
I see that a big Norwegian retailer have +100 in stock, so still available here. I've had mine for years for watching UHD movies and as backup for my Oppo 105. Long may they live. ;)
They just announced an updated version of the X700- but updated seems to mean no wifi or streaming apps. Unclear if anything is actually improved.

I've read they no longer have any players for sale on their website. Could be they were waiting for this to drop- and hopefully a new version of the X800.
So in the US still available, in Europe so so and prices going up.
Would be a shame this model is going e.o.l. without successor.
The X700 would be an alternative and still available but doesn't play DVD-A afaik and therefore out for me.