Here's an update to how to install
QQ SpecWeb Helper:
The SpecWeb Helper App (Windows only) can be downloaded form this link (its a zip file containing all Helper files):
To update any previous version of QQ SpecWeb Helper just unzip into your old Helper folder and overwrite all files.
To use Helper you must first install the
SpecWeb files from the link on first page of this thread. (Helper cannot convert files, its done by SpecWeb)
Helper is a Microsoft DotNet application. If you haven’t got the
Microsoft .NET runtime 4.5.2 installed then also install this: (if in doubt install it anyway)
Now, unzip the Helper files into a new folder on your desktop. To run double-click on the '
First you should use the
Preferences button to select the SpecWeb.exe file you installed in the SpecWeb prog files folder. This allows the Helper to run that exe to do the MCH conversions.
Configuring SpecWeb is still the same, currently Helper uses the SpecWeb.ini file (in the SpecWeb 'bin' folder) for all config info. (I may add options later if feedback is there). So you need to make your SpecWeb conversion settings in the ini file for the time being.
List of features (on top of SpecWeb features):
- Option to Over Sample original stereo files (reduces some known artefacts on lower sample rate files) - creates a copy at 24bit 176.4 or 192kHz of the source stereo file used by SpecWeb
- Option to Resample the MCH output file to its original sample rate, leave at above over-sampled rates or reduce to hi-rez 88.2 or 96KHz
- Option to create MCH files in Source folder, Save to 'parallel' folder (next to original but new folder renamed with '(upmix)' suffix), or to a User defined folder (all set in Preferences).
- Add files by selecting just their Parent folder (all files in that folder are added for conversion - i.e. all files from the album folder)
- Add multiple folders (as above) for batch conversion of multiple albums (select one at a time but convert all)
- Option to re-tag the MCH files 'album' name with a user defined suffix (e.g. '(upmix)') to differentiate original stereo album from MCH version in music playing progs (Foobar etc)
- Option to tag the new MCH file with any album art (named: folder.jpg) found in the source (stereo) folder
Use the '
Add Folder' to add all flac files in that folder, Use '
Add Files' to select individual files (or multiple files by using CTRL and SHIFT keys - usual Windows multi select).
You can add as many files/folders as you want.
Click '
Convert' to run the conversions. (If you use "Oversampling' then please ensure you choose an option in the Preferences dialog).
When converting files that are over-sampled (if option selected), converting to MCH (using the current SpecWeb.ini file settings) and/or re-sampling (if option selected) - Please do not close the Helper window while running. Let it finish. (You can also use the Stop button which stops after it's finished the current file)
So set some preferences, select 'album' folder(s), click 'Convert' and all current options are used to convert all selected files using SpecWeb.
SpecWeb Helper is free for your enjoyment.
Feel free to post queries/suggestions/bugs etc here.