I feel like such an idiot... during the height of "the loudness wars", I fell for all the hype about remastered cds sounding better, and foolishly replaced most of my old late 80s/early 90s cds with remastered discs (at the time, I had gotten into I-tunes, and the louder mastering sounded better on my I-pod... I know, ridiculous). Now that I'm listening primarily to surround music and SpecWeb is here, I've spent the last couple of days RE-BUYING the EXACT SAME discs I got rid of years ago so I can make better upmixes! (And some of them cost more than the currently available remasters...case in point, the early Megadeth albums which not only had a different mastering originally, but different mixes as well!) I'm really convinced, though, that the higher dynamic range recordings sound the most discrete when upmixed. I'm having so much fun with this program... I love that moment of anticipation when the upmix is finished and I hear it for the first time on my surround system... can't wait to get home from work and do some more!!!