SPECWEB (Now 2.2)


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Trying to get this running in Windows 10. I ran the install.bat and gave permission for the scripts to run/install. I got the shortcuts on the desktop. But anytime I drag a FLAC/Wav/ALAC file to it, I get two errors about missing dll's. svml_dispmd.dll and libmmd.dll.
Trying to get this running in Windows 10. I ran the install.bat and gave permission for the scripts to run/install. I got the shortcuts on the desktop. But anytime I drag a FLAC/Wav/ALAC file to it, I get two errors about missing dll's. svml_dispmd.dll and libmmd.dll.

I "think" I was having same problem....until I realized I needed to drag them to the SpecWeb shortcut icon, not the others...
I "think" I was having same problem....until I realized I needed to drag them to the SpecWeb shortcut icon, not the others...

That's what I'm dong. I have three shortcuts on the desktop:

SpecWeb Play
SpecWeb Play Remote

I'm dragging stereo lossless files to SpecWeb and getting those dll file errors.
I've tried using the Help app also. When I click convert, the file starts converting, but after a bit, I get the errors about missing DLL's again. HELP!!!
Well so far I've converted to 5.1 SBU the entire Beatles catalogue that I have in 24bit, also the Roxy Music albums (that matter) 1st through Manifesto. I just used the default settings as a test. They all sound pretty darn good although on a couple of the Roxy albums the high ends do sound a bit shrill. The first album I converted was Jerry Jihad and The Evildoers and it sounds amazing. I had some Quad Zappa mixes and included an upmix of One Size Fits All last night, but haven't listened to it yet. Today I'm actually tweaking with and using the SpecWeb helper, I'm currently converting Tuxedomoon's Half Mute/Scream With A View. I had noticed the other conversions didn't include the album art, even though I had embedded the art in the original tracks, as well as including the art in the folder of converted tracks. I've now checked this preference in the helper so we'll see how it turns out :) I did check some preferences like...parallel folder and renaming tracks to upmix and this options are already working perfectly.
Oh yeah, and I've ordered a 5.1 speaker system for the 'puter... Didn't want to break the bank on this... I actually found an older used kit of Logitech Z-5300e in excellent condition in original packaging. I always check reviews and this kit got high scores though it's certainly not high end.
I feel like such an idiot... during the height of "the loudness wars", I fell for all the hype about remastered cds sounding better, and foolishly replaced most of my old late 80s/early 90s cds with remastered discs (at the time, I had gotten into I-tunes, and the louder mastering sounded better on my I-pod... I know, ridiculous). Now that I'm listening primarily to surround music and SpecWeb is here, I've spent the last couple of days RE-BUYING the EXACT SAME discs I got rid of years ago so I can make better upmixes! (And some of them cost more than the currently available remasters...case in point, the early Megadeth albums which not only had a different mastering originally, but different mixes as well!) I'm really convinced, though, that the higher dynamic range recordings sound the most discrete when upmixed. I'm having so much fun with this program... I love that moment of anticipation when the upmix is finished and I hear it for the first time on my surround system... can't wait to get home from work and do some more!!!

Haha...I've had a similar experience. I bought into the stupid hype about music portability and got into iTunes in a big way. It was so easy to throw everything onto my ipod and plug it into my car so I could have it mobile. I even got my main ipod re-installed with a 250g drive. Then iTunes started losing all my files every time I tried to play stuff through the interface. Not to mention the low bit rates sounded like shit. It was driving me crazy. One day I woke up and told myself I had to change everything. I had to convert my whole collection to lossless, dump itunes altogether cuz it's a piece of crap (I now happily use MusicBee). There are times when I really regret selling off my vinyl now that vinyl is making a resurgence, but storing and moving 5000 LPs got to be too much. I really do miss a lot of the rare stuff though, and miss the 12X12 graphics. All I have left basically is the autographed stuff. Now my collection is strictly digital, 90% lossless (I think some of the rare stuff I may never find apart from MP3s). I typically have both the original tracks as well as remasters. Gawd that was a major overhaul but really happy I did it. Now with 5.1, I find I'm moving back to (BluRay) discs out of necessity. I'm sure someday technology will scale and it'll be easy to stream to my media center (maybe there's already a way?) Somehow I figure there's some folks here who can do it... :) as I'm pretty new to the surround thang.
Trying to get this running in Windows 10. I ran the install.bat and gave permission for the scripts to run/install. I got the shortcuts on the desktop. But anytime I drag a FLAC/Wav/ALAC file to it, I get two errors about missing dll's. svml_dispmd.dll and libmmd.dll.

Those dll's are both part of the Intel redistribution package that's included with the install. Do you remember an Intel package installing the first time you installed SpecWeb?

They should be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Shared Libraries\redist\intel64\compiler

SpecWeb installer looks in the registry at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Dependencies\{95716cce-fc71-413f-8ad5-56c2892d4b3a}" so if you want to help debug you could look in your registry for that BEFORE running the below Intel installer.

In any case, please go into the Install\bin\w-ccompxe-redist-msi-2013-sp1.0.103 folder and run: w_ccompxe_redist_ia32_2013_sp1.0.103.msi

Let us know if that solves the problem.

FYI the SpecWeb installer looks to see if that package was installed previously before running that installer, so perhaps it was previously on your system but got removed when you uninstalled something else?

Also, It's not clear to me that running the SpecWeb installer with admin privs, under windows 10, is a good idea. I'll admit windows 10 security is a bit of a mystery :(
A comment about iTunes. I'm not a huge fan either, but just FYI there ARE losses formats that can be used in iTunes, and there is a way to "trick" iTunes into playing DTS cd format (which is lossy, but at least you get 5.1 from iTunes). It requires an Airport express to stream from iTunes to the Airport express and give you an optical out to your Home Theater.

See here: http://www.surroundbyus.com/sbu/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=154

I do worry with every iTunes update and Airport express firmware update that all this will stop working, but so far so good.

Note that iTunes is all 44.1Khz, and AppleTV resamples everything to 48Khz, so passing DTS from iTunes to thru apple TV won't work because the path is not "bit perfect".

Also note that if you do try this you will want a separate iTunes library for your DTS stuff vs. Stereo. You can google how to switch iTunes libraries when you start iTunes.

My motivation at the time was using iTunes on a mac mini in my car (hence the dts, in dts350z), which I eventually gave up on because even though I had a fancy power supply that was supposed to put the mac to sleep and wake it up, with the car ignition, it kept killing my battery, I probably could have solved it with a dual battery system I guess, but never went for it.
I reinstalled .msi file you mentioned. Now I get this when running the helper after I add a file and click convert:

See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'temp.flac-mch.flac'.
File name: 'temp.flac-mch.flac'
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.File.Copy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName)
at QQSpecWebUtil.frmMain.btnConvert_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 4.6.1063.1 built by: NETFXREL3STAGE
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll

That's from a drop down box after I get this:

exception 0xc000007b
Ok I'm on Windows 10 64bit

Dragging a file to the SpecWeb shortcut on the desktop I get this application error:

The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.
Ok I'm on Windows 10 64bit

Dragging a file to the SpecWeb shortcut on the desktop I get this application error:

The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.

OK the other package that should have installed with SpecWeb is: Install\bin\vcredist_x86.exe

Please try running that and let us know.
Seems I have dragging to the icons working

Helper should now work then.

Edit: No I broke Helper yesterday. You need to download today's version (apologies - just a simple change in the code I didn't test it!!!! Now ok)
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Here's another update:

The previous version didn't call SpecWeb correctly when OverSampling...

Added a check for SpecWeb conversion completion
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OK, so I think I"m ready to jump in with the helper....but there are now SO many posts, I don't know where to start. I have the helper app on my desktop, but what is the basic stuff I need to do and in what order to make things work. For example, before we had the helper, we just dropped a music file onto the SpecWeb app and it did it's thing. So, now what is the process? Is there a bunch of little things to tweak first before? Do we even use the SpecWeb app now or do we just go straight to the helper app? Sorry I"
m such a dope... :)
OK, so I think I"m ready to jump in with the helper....but there are now SO many posts, I don't know where to start. I have the helper app on my desktop, but what is the basic stuff I need to do and in what order to make things work. For example, before we had the helper, we just dropped a music file onto the SpecWeb app and it did it's thing. So, now what is the process? Is there a bunch of little things to tweak first before? Do we even use the SpecWeb app now or do we just go straight to the helper app? Sorry I"
m such a dope... :)

Get the latest version of Helper (I updated it today):

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Get the latest version of Helper (I updated it today):


Once you've followed those instruction to install, run the 'QQSpecWebHelper.exe' (double-click on it).

You must go to Preferences and select where the SpecWeb.exe file location so Helper can run SpecWeb.

Now select your music files and/or folders.

Click 'Convert'

Wow, OK...I think I got it to work. Though, after I clicked convert...it has been on song 1 for over 2 minutes. That seem about right?

EDIT - OK, it has moved to song 2 now. Guess I'm just paranoid...sorry. :)
STill paranoid...so. Just for conversation. When I drag files direct to SpecWeb, I'd say it takes much less than 5 minutes to convert all...and I'm still waiting on the helper app. 2 more songs to go and it seems slow. Do you suppose I've done something wrong?