Spinners QUADIO Blu Ray Comments


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V2 also comes with a cracked case, rest assured!
LOL, I exchanged a few emails with Rhino customer service over broken cases. They acted like I was the first to bring this up. Customer service requested pics of broken cases. I explained that I've bought numerous vinyls with EXCELLENT shipping protection, but their cd's arrive with atleast 1broken case in each shipment.
(In Rhinos defense, the shipping boxes are easy to throw like a Frisbee. As a kid, I worked as a UPS temp during Christmas. So I speak from experience LOL)
They offered to replace the DISKS, which I figured was going to still be a issue.
Maybe if everyone sends an email when they receive a cracked/broken case, they will reacess their shipping boxes.
I ordered a couple dozen extra cases from a 3rd party, and it was laughable the amount of bubble wrap used by their shipping dept BUT the cases arrived unbroken/uncracked......
BTW......I will be ordering on the 19th, hoping for the best, but expecting atlest 1 broken case😝
Sorry, I have not been paying attention, my non cracked case arrived yesterday.
What specifically am I supposed to be listening for between the two discs?
Whole disc?
Certain tracks?
(my Spinners Blu-ray audio V2 arrived a few minutes ago, listening to the DTS 4.0 core now...)

Anyone done an A/B test between the DTS-HD and DTS core?

edit: Quad sounds balanced and stereo sounds good in fake surround w/DPL2 music.

Kirk Bayne
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I received my copy today no problem, and no broken case. As long as a disc arrives in good shape, I don’t care about the case at all.

This has been a very, very long road to get this and other Quad titles for a digital release for the first time. Something I have to admit, I had lost hope many times over years that anything could be done. But I’ve always believed that given the chance for these Quad mixes to be heard, people would understand their importance. Thanks to all for making it happen. We need to keep supporting the titles while the vault doors are open.

Also, hopefully at some point, we’ll get the other two classic Spinners Quads released as well. Thanks.
Mine arrived 2 days ago. Case intact. I have to say, good job, Rhino!

And tonight's the night after midnight, 4 more to order. Not hot on Randy Newman but for the bundled price, I'll get it. The other 3 are definitely worthy titles, for me especially AWB & Gil Evans! AWB (CD4 LP) was one of the best quads so having it on BD-A is most welcome.
Mines coming today! At least I think it's Rhino. Here's my USPS Informed Delivery

Lol. Gnarlywood.
Mine arrived 2 days ago. Case intact. I have to say, good job, Rhino!

And tonight's the night after midnight, 4 more to order. Not hot on Randy Newman but for the bundled price, I'll get it. The other 3 are definitely worthy titles, for me especially AWB & Gil Evans! AWB (CD4 LP) was one of the best quads so having it on BD-A is most welcome.
If AWB arrives with a cracked case you might have to pick up the pieces!
Since I had the email saying a replacement would be sent, nothing, not even an email shipping notice :( I did wonder if Rhino were waiting for me to order the next (todays) batch of Quadios (they know I will :LOL:) and send it with them.