Steven Wilson Steven Wilson 2.0/5.1/Atmos mixes


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I wouldn't necessarily consider Fripp (with King Crimson), Ian Anderson (with Jethro Tull), Andy Partridge (with XTC), and Yes as musical GIANTS at least as compared to the likes of U2, Peter Gabriel, Prince, etc.
"Purple Rain" would be cool, but I just can't see surround sound happening for it by SW at this point.

come off it. that's like saying Stravinsky or Sibelius aren't giants... just because Bach or Beethoven have more recording in circulation.
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come off it. that's like saying Stravinsky or Sibelius aren't giants... just because Bach or Beethoven have more recording in circulation .... keep going and continue to be laughed at :banana:

You or anyone else on this forum can continue to make light of my posts all you want.
You're not hurting my feelings, shutting me up, or getting me to change my point view at all.

A forum is a great place for RESPECTFULLY expressing one's opinion and interacting with others, and if one cannot do that, they shouldn't be on here.

I respect your opinion even if you don't respect mine, and that goes for anyone else who may not agree with me or like what I have to say.
I love this forum a lot, and I appreciate everyone who make it such a wonderful place for all things surround on the web! :)
come off it. that's like saying Stravinsky or Sibelius aren't giants... just because Bach or Beethoven have more recording in circulation .... keep going and continue to be laughed at :banana:

If you want to come off as more than just a troll after only 3 posts, you might want to reconsider how you interact with the membership here. We can all disagree - just do it respectfully - please.
I'll throw my two cents in here... (pence for the English folk)... I think in their day, Tull and Yes and ELP (which Steven Wilson also had his hands in) were indeed "big musical giants" just as U2 and Prince were at their respective peaks. Also consider that Wilson is a huge prog fan, and since that is the music he enjoys, that is where his efforts get concentrated. Now if we start talking about the "big musical giants" of PROG, Tull and Yes and ELP ARE legit musical giants. Gabriel fits in there, but Prince and U2 just don't. And as much as I like Gabriel's work, I don't know if he has ever attained the level of acceptance any of the others have.

Now make up and shake hands and go listen to some surround music.
You or anyone else on this forum can continue to make light of my posts all you want.
You're not hurting my feelings, shutting me up, or getting me to change my point view at all.

A forum is a great place for RESPECTFULLY expressing one's opinion and interacting with others, and if one cannot do that, they shouldn't be on here.

I respect your opinion even if you don't respect mine, and that goes for anyone else who may not agree with me or like what I have to say.
I love this forum a lot, and I appreciate everyone who make it such a wonderful place for all things surround on the web! :)

its just, for instance, to say that those groups are not giants is ridiculous when certainly they are. Oh of course there may be others that have sold more albums or whatever in comparison. it doesn't make these groups not giants. just seems like the post is made just to oppose someone. Im not impressed with a basic loophole .. Far be it, I want to hurt someones feelings or shut someone up. Its just not true.
its just, for instance, to say that those groups are not giants is ridiculous when certainly they are. Oh of course there may be others that have sold more albums or whatever in comparison. it doesn't make these groups not giants. just seems like you make a post just to oppose someone for attention. are you that impressed with yourself that you may see a loophole .. making an opinion based on facts like that is just plain shallow ... do you get it ?

The underlined portion of your post is a valid point
The rest of your post is just plain rude and disrespectful.
The underlined portion of your post is a valid point
The rest of your post is just plain rude and disrespectful.

yeah you caught my post before I edited it... good for you... but I did try :howl
I am apologizing and will not radically throw out comments like that anymore. I do want to post with a happier positive attitude.
come off it. that's like saying Stravinsky or Sibelius aren't giants... just because Bach or Beethoven have more recording in circulation.

rtbluray's point was pretty clear, and people keep missing it because they think it's a slam on their favorite band.

A surround release from U2, Gabriel, or Prince would attract more interest than another Crimson or Yes release, even though I love those bands. U2, Prince, and Peter Gabriel have more fans, they cast a longer shadow in the market, therefore they're comparative giants in the marketplace of music.

Nowhere did I see a judgement of who made the better music.
I would be all over just about any U2 release in surround (not a fan of their more recent stuff though). Rattle & Hum on blu-ray is a superb musical experience.

Regarding Steven's next surround mixes:
It seems he's so far remixed UK artists. Has there been any from North America yet? I suspect he will continue his trend.

Also, there was a recent tweet saying he is currently recording a new album with his last band for 2015 release (that will be a SW mix!)
rtbluray's point was pretty clear, and people keep missing it because they think it's a slam on their favorite band.

A surround release from U2, Gabriel, or Prince would attract more interest than another Crimson or Yes release, even though I love those bands. U2, Prince, and Peter Gabriel have more fans, they cast a longer shadow in the market, therefore they're comparative giants in the marketplace of music.

Nowhere did I see a judgement of who made the better music.

very good observation , yes you are correct. I was not in tune with the depth of the posts when I made me comment.
I would be all over just about any U2 release in surround (not a fan of their more recent stuff though). Rattle & Hum on blu-ray is a superb musical experience.

Regarding Steven's next surround mixes:
It seems he's so far remixed UK artists. Has there been any from North America yet? I suspect he will continue his trend.

Also, there was a recent tweet saying he is currently recording a new album with his last band for 2015 release (that will be a SW mix!)

The Daniel Lanois produced Dylan albums were not remixed in surround for the Dylan SACD series. Danny did a nice job remixing Gabriel in 5.1 for his video collection though. Perhaps the vintage gear or unique spaces used in the original Dylan and U2 mixes would discourage attempts to recreate the vibe now. I surely would love to hear a reinterpretation of those key U2 albums in surround.
Burning Shed have tweeted that they are announcing a lot of new releases for pre-order this week (some tomorrow and some Friday), so make sure your bank account is well-stocked and you have a good internet connection, especially if you like King Crimson (or so I'm told...) ;)
Burning Shed have tweeted that they are announcing a lot of new releases for pre-order this week (some tomorrow and some Friday), so make sure your bank account is well-stocked and you have a good internet connection, especially if you like King Crimson (or so I'm told...) ;)

Before I "like" this post could you clarify something? Do you mean to say that "all" the anounced titles will be KC related? Or will there be other bands as well?
Before I "like" this post could you clarify something? Do you mean to say that "all" the anounced titles will be KC related? Or will there be other bands as well?

Given what we know that is guaranteed to come out, I would expect other bands to be a part of the week's new pre-orders as well.
Ah C'mon Dennis, give it's not going to cost you anything...don't be such a tight wad with those kind words:fly:


Bah! Being "nice" is for Dogs!

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If you are still looking for "nice", please go here:

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AND, to answer you directly. RT just PMed me to clarify exactly what is coming out soon and it turns out it is all K.C. and the Sunshine Band records, so no "likey" from "me-ee"