Steven Wilson Steven Wilson: New album 'The Overview' for early 2025


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In anticipation of the new record rather than going back to the albums I love (Hand Cannot Erase, Raven) I decided to really give his more recent releases a fair chance and I’m so glad I did. I’ve been absolutely loving To The Bone lately. In my opinion it’s pretty much a perfect album, whereas before I thought it only had a couple really great songs. Permanating is an infectious pop masterpiece, and the title track is stunning. I’ve been listening to the album both in 5.1 and stereo in the car!

I love To the Bone from start to finish too, but I'm a bit weird when it comes to SW solo albums, because I never truly warmed up to Hand. Cannot. Erase, which seems to be the universal fan favorite. I'm a huge fan of his first 3 albums and To the Bone. Why I don't love HCE, I have no idea. I think I should, but I don't. I do appreciate a few songs greatly, though, but since I tend to be an album guy rather than a song guy, most of the times I end up listening to other releases.

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying The Overview more and more. Can't wait to listen to it losslessly when the Blu-ray arrives.
Huge SW fan here. Got the blu-ray yesterday. My initial impressions, in order:
1. This is the best sound design/Atmos mix I've ever heard. He really utilizes the height channels like never before, and the entire mix puts the "I" in immersive.
2. I also was underwhelmed by the regular 2 track album. At times the vocals are very difficult to comprehend, unlike previous SW recordings. The album didn't seem to have a flow. It had its excellent moments, but not sustained in my opinion.
3. I almost gave up after listening to the entire regular album, but decided to give the "instrumental" version a spin, not expecting anything other than what I had heard minus the vocals. All I can say is WOW!!! The instrumental version is one of the best pieces of music I've ever heard, and combined with the Atmos mix, may be the best thing I've ever heard (future listening sessions TBD). It was everything I was hoping for in this release and more! So why is the instrumental version a game changer? In my opinion, in the regular version, the vocals seem to step on the music at times, obscuring the underlying music, and also breaking up the flow. Do not judge this album without a serious listen to the instrument only version.
4. Surprisingly, the streaming versions of the album that I have listened to so far (Qobuz & Apple Music) do not include the instrumental version. Maybe it's just the blu-ray that contains that version. But whatever you do, make sure you listen to the instrumental version at some point.
I did the same thing and.....Wow....this album works so well as an instrumental piece. Incredible production and musicianship all round 👍🏻
I received my box set a couple of days ago and the reason why I haven’t opened it is because when I placed my preorder, my intuition told me something is not right about it and I shouldn’t order it but because I have FOMO, I purchased it anyway. I figured I would stream it first to see how I vibe to it. With the exception of a couple of passages which I thought sounded decent but not great, I didn’t like it after two whole listening sessions. I was never a fan of Steven’s vocals, only the music and musicianship. It’s the same thing with Led Zeppelin. I love the songs but only tolerate Robert Plant’s vocals.
I feel you. These kind of pre-orders based on optimism for a great record, sometimes let you down. It's where my FOMO intersects with my YOLO
I have not listened to the streaming version and sort of glad I haven't.
I got the disc yesterday and followed my normal routine of rip to .iso and scans, then listen.
Have listened twice through, not including the instrumental version which I hope to get to today. This is one of those albums that's over before I know it nor ready for the end. So color me impressed. It all just seems to flow so well the time passes quickly.

I normally listen with software, but I think today I'm going to pull it up on the ChinOppo to eliminate any distractions from email/Telegram/etc. and give it another go with my full attention.
Just one listen and I like it quite a bit. It is definitely not Porcupine Tree-- even the older stuff. It is more in line with SW solo stuff, with the first song being more like HCE and To The Bone era (even a bit of Raven), and the second one being more like Harmony Codex.

I don't find any parts of it to be particularly memorable, but I am finding myself wanting to listen to it again (it was too late to give it another spin last night). There are some cool riffs for sure--metal-ish that have been decidedly un-metaled.

It works very well as a sit and chill album, flowing nicely from one vignette to the next. "The Overview" title works very nicely, as there are times when I'm reminded of most of his albums.

There are some complaints about the vocals stepping on stuff. I don't think they do, but obviously if you take them out, you can hear the underlying music better. The vocal production is immaculate like everything else, and he is doing some pretty cool harmonies at times. I don't mind not understanding all his lyrics because I've found them to be pretty bland the last few releases anyway (especially with The Future Bites).
I love it too, though that seems to be an unpopular opinion(?) among the fanbase. The first half, with the exception of "Refuge" (the only track on the album I still don't really care for), has to be some of the most joyous and colorful music he's ever made. Of course I'd rather hear it on the big system in surround, but those songs are just as fun to listen to in the car or out walking. On the other end of the spectrum, "Blank Tapes" and especially "Song of Unborn" rank among his most heartfelt compositions.
Song of Unborn is devastating and a perfect closer! Wraps it all up beautifully with a pretty universal message, though I think it’s more of a warning!

I was surprised reading back in the poll threads of TTB. I knew it divided people when it came out but it seems no one has warmed up to it to this day. I’m planning on making a vote once I give it more listens in 5.1 as I’ve mainly been listening in stereo.
I ripped my copy (The Overview), it was problematic as it rips as two tracks, just a bit stubborn of a rip and doesn't show any names of sub titles
Track 1-Objects Outlive Us-8 sub titles.
Track 2-The Overview-6 sub titles.

I thought maybe the hard disc in the player would show the sub titles on screen as sometimes with rips you can not get the meta data that the hard disc shows, sometimes.
My question: Are any of you able to definitively know when you are at a sub title within the track. I can hear breaks in tempo, lyric changes, but nothing definitive.

I have never complained about Stevens vocal only use of center channel. This time I will.
The Atmos mix is fantastic and aggressive, one of the best I have heard. But with the vocals as usual most of the time in center, sometimes reverb to rears and heights, but most of the time because of the very powerful Atmos mix the vocals center get drowned out for lack of a better word. Please, I am not saying all the time just one things are blasting. I notice he does put some guitar solos in center.

Between the two tracks, musically I like Track 2 The Overview better.

Great album, it's a keeper. There is not a lot to nit pick over, mainly the two items I mentioned, should have been better on screen graphics and the occasional drowning out of center channel.

I don't know if I am there yet to definitively say, but the instrumental might be the way to go on this, then at least in my case I can fully enjoy the Atmos Instrumental and the struggling of lyrics and sound of vocals, goes out the window.