Stuff that sounds amazing with the Surround Master


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The complete Lotus SACD quad set from Japan came in for a fair bit of (rightful) criticism regarding the rather dead rear channels (mostly just applause), but the 4(.1) setting on the SMv3 has been revelatory. It now sounds truly like a quad recording should, particularly with so much percussion now in the rears. Lotus would get a 10/10 and a koala stamp from me if the SACDs had been done like that to start with; but now it's a fabulous live fusion album with all four channels so discrete.

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Yes Sir. I've found many times discrete 5.1 (or whatever) sounds better down mixed to 2.0 & played back by the Surround Master. Netflix is a strong example of this.
Okay, through the Surround Master, this one sounds like an acid trip–in the best (and possibly the worst) sense of the expression! Maybe Rundgren's most experimental and excessive and indulgent record absolutely comes alive through my SM v.2! Manic guitar solos, swirling synths, multitracked vocals, and murky production surround me in Todd's cacophony. Yes, sometimes this record is a rough ride, but, like those aforementioned trips, one that–for me–is ultimately rewarding!
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I heard this Dolby Atmos version of Triana's greatest hits. They were a cult band in Spain that played a fusion of progressive rock and flamenco. The first song of this album, Abre la puerta (= Open the door) sounds really nice with the SM

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The title track of this, my favo(u)rite Shepp release, is truly transcendent through the Surround Master! Shepp blows like a man possessed for over 18 minutes, and he is locked in the phantom center. Workman's bass also comes from up front. Five--yes! 5!--percussionists assail me from the rears with hypnotic African rhythms. After about 15 minutes, two trumpets join in to signal the beginning of the end. Amazing! The remaining three tracks, while overshadowed by the titular track, are still strong and equally phenomenal through the Surround Master. Magic, indeed! Man, i LOVE jazz through my SM v.2!
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Chronic quad said "... where the Surround Master really shines is with live recordings ..." I totally AGREE.!

While I am barely 40 days in to my Surround Master (V3) experience and I can only average one CD per day (total workaholic), the several live CD's that I have listened to have captured the ambiance of the venue and audience.

So many more CD's in my library, so little free time.

Yesterday, I also listened to two favorite (old) tracks that were each outstanding with the Surround Master:

10 CC >> I'm Not In Love >> "saturated surround"
Joan Jett >> Crimson and Clover >> "superb reverb"

Would be interested in some suggestions for tracks with similar extraordinary surround "ambiance". NOTE: I am mostly an old school hard rock/metal/high energy tunes.