Authored a homebrewed DVDA at 96/24 for AAB a few years ago and I still have the decoded files for the SF LP in Quad 96/24..great mixes...
Man, you guys with your old-school rigs... I could never
afford all that stuff back in the day, had to get by with just the 2 channels! Still remember listening to a lot of quad stuff at the local stereo shop as a kid, though (I used to bug the hell out of those guys).
I prefer SF , though...AAB (which, by the way I had him sign after a concert in Madrid in 2008) is quite a "dark" record...
I dearly love 'em both. (And yeah, Rick has always been really cool about talking to fans after shows.) Funny, I've never thought of
All American Boy as dark. I guess the last song definitely is, although it's also kind of gorgeous, in a haunting sort of way. Still gives me a shiver from time to time. But then that record will always be a direct line to my misspent youth...
Side note (again): I was sitting here earlier, listening to Edgar's
Jasmine on dts, which I'm sure is the old quad mix, right? Anyway, I was thinking how these old 70s mixes were kind of gimmicky by today's standards, a bit too much shenanigans going on in the surrounds for one thing. Then it dawned on me to just kick the damn surrounds down a notch, and by a notch I mean
1 dB - and the whole sound instantly gelled!
One decibel made the difference between 'meh' and 'ah, now I get it!'
I'll have to remember this as I acquire more of these old quad reissues. It seems to me, the way they tended to just stick you in the middle of everything, that the channel balance may be even
more critical with some of this old stuff than it is with the more modern mixes.
-- Jim