The DTS-HD MAS encoder blues finally hit me, too


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Point was I paid good money and I wanna use 'em.
I am with you 100% on this.
I also refuse to go to Windows 10 because it would mean I lose hardware and a LOT of software where hacked versions made the developers go bankrupt and updated versions are simply not available.
A similar thing happened with the switch to 64-bit - I lost so MANY 32-bit plugins it was not funny, totalling over ten grand in all.
Yeah. Well when I did the windows 10 upgrade I just let all the pc's migrate for free but my main rig; for it I bought a full copy of (x64) Pro. I had bought so many copies of Windows 7 and I was upgrading hardware every year that it just made sense. Just sitting here I can see at least 5 copies of 7 on the top shelf; there's probably more. But you change some little thing and they want you to buy a fresh copy.
I don't think that's right. If they ever flag my full version Pro I will be pissed.
Yeah. Well when I did the windows 10 upgrade I just let all the pc's migrate for free but my main rig; for it I bought a full copy of (x64) Pro. I had bought so many copies of Windows 7 and I was upgrading hardware every year that it just made sense. Just sitting here I can see at least 5 copies of 7 on the top shelf; there's probably more. But you change some little thing and they want you to buy a fresh copy.
I don't think that's right. If they ever flag my full version Pro I will be pissed.
That's their primary business; Sell Software! And now they'll be trying to push Win. 11 on us after saying something to the tune of "oh, the last OS you'll ever need"-ugh. Still love my Win. 7 Pro! BTW
That's their primary business; Sell Software! And now they'll be trying to push Win. 11 on us after saying something to the tune of "oh, the last OS you'll ever need"-ugh. Still love my Win. 7 Pro! BTW
I'm not opposed to Win 11 upgrade. Right now I have only one pc that is 100% compliant with built in TPM module and a recent BIOS upgrade. For my older ROG board I had to order a 14+1 TPM chip for about $12 but it isn't supposed to hit the warehouse until 3rd week next month. The other 2 pc's are too old, but that's fine.
The words "update" and "upgrade" are dirty words to me.

I was the engineer for a set of 9 scientific labs at a university. Then the IT department decided to convert every computer on campus from DOS to Windows. They came in at night and changed out all of the computers without telling anyone.

The next day, nothing in the labs worked.
- Since the data collection cards would not fit the slots in the new computers, they just left them next to the new computers.
- The data collection cards were $2000 each.
- The company that made the data collection cards had no Windows-compatible versions (and never really solved the problem of making cards that work right under Windows).
- The data collection drivers were designed for DOS. They wouldn't work under Windows.
- The cards for DOS worked to 1 millisecond data rates. The company could not get any cards to work in Windows for any rate faster than the 55 ms (about 1/18 second) multitasking rate.
- None of the custom-written (by me) software to control various experiments could be used. Our software was based on reading the data ports once every millisecond. That way, we would not miss any changes and would have them at the exact time they happened and could instantly issue commands to adjust the process.
- Windows is based on time-stamp data collections. They say that it is "more efficient" to collect data in bursts with time stamps to indicate when they really happened. But:
- - How to you "tell" the chemical process that the reagent should have really been added 600 milliseconds earlier?
- - How do you tell the organism that it should have been stimulated 200 ms earlier?
- No other computer operating systems were available that do not multitask.

Their "upgrade" totally destroyed the lab systems. Science stopped until we found a solution. Their office-based brains could not understand why we could not use computers designed for office data processing for science.

We finally talked them into giving us back all of our DOS systems. But they said that they would no longer maintain the computers. So I kept them going for ten more years. But as they failed one by one, I could not get replacements that worked with the data cards and DOS.

The result of the upgrade craze:

It is impossible to follow the ceteris paribus rules for scientific studies for any scientific study using computer controlled processes and data collection for any study longer than 5 years.
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When I worked in R&D at a rechargeable battery manufacturer, my Boss would have went nuts if something like that happened. But in the late 80s I was one of the few that had pc's actually running experiments line basic! (Analytical had their own of course and a good programmer) If someone had snatched the old IBM boxes out and subbed machines with Windows overnight it would have been chaos for me!
Line basic/QuickBasic/Basic Prof. Dev System I could handle at the time but Windows no way. When the plant closed in 2001 I'm pretty sure nothing I was using ran on Windows except my desktop.
The words "update" and "upgrade" are dirty words to me.

I was the engineer for a set of 9 scientific labs at a university. Then the IT department decided to convert every computer on campus from DOS to Windows. They came in at night and changed out all of the computers without telling anyone.

The next day, nothing in the labs worked.
- Since the data collection cards would not fit the slots in the new computers, they just left them next to the new computers.
- The data collection cards were $2000 each.
- The company that made the data collection cards had no Windows-compatible versions (and never really solved the problem of making cards that work right under Windows).
- The data collection drivers were designed for DOS. They wouldn't work under Windows.
- The cards for DOS worked to 1 millisecond data rates. The company could not get any cards to work in Windows for any rate faster than the 55 ms (about 1/18 second) multitasking rate.
- None of the custom-written (by me) software to control various experiments could be used. Our software was based on reading the data ports once every millisecond. That way, we would not miss any changes and would have them at the exact time they happened and could instantly issue commands to adjust the process.
- Windows is based on time-stamp data collections. They say that it is "more efficient" to collect data in bursts with time stamps to indicate when they really happened. But:
- - How to you "tell" the chemical process that the reagent should have really been added 600 milliseconds earlier?
- - How do you tell the organism that it should have been stimulated 200 ms earlier?
- No other computer operating systems were available that do not multitask.

Their "upgrade" totally destroyed the lab systems. Science stopped until we found a solution. Their office-based brains could not understand why we could not use computers designed for office data processing for science.

We finally talked them into giving us back all of our DOS systems. But they said that they would no longer maintain the computers. So I kept them going for ten more years. But as they failed one by one, I could not get replacements that worked with the data cards and DOS.

The result of the upgrade craze:

It is impossible to follow the ceteris paribus rules for scientific studies for any scientific study using computer controlled processes and data collection for any study longer than 5 years.
This reminds me of a business near me which recently upgraded their old cash registers to new touch screen internet-based ones. The cashier now has to stand there waiting for the register to connect to the server for over 4 minutes on every transaction before the drawer will pop open, even with just cash. A real "upgrade" for everyone.
I don't know. The error popped up when I tried to run the "Fix_DtsJobQueue" file. I downloaded the file "aafparse.dll" and it already gave an error and it solved the problem. The file "aafparse.dll" had to be inserted into "Windows / SysWOW64". If it was a 32bit windows, it would probably be necessary to insert the file into "Windows32".
For a very long time I was embarrassed with the malfunction of the DTS HD MAster on windows10 and none of the common methods helped. I solved the problem today. The first is to disable the wifi adapter in the system settings. It is not enough to deactivate wifi reception, it is necessary to permanently disable the wifi adapter. However, it is not necessary to disable the LAN cable adapter, only the wifi adapter. The second step is to run the "Fix_DtsJobQueue" file. The third step is to start the "DTS HD Master" program itself. It should work now. One more important thing is that after disabling the "Fix_DtsJobQueue" patch, "DtsJobQueue" remains active in the background process. It is necessary to turn off this process manually, otherwise the next run of the file "Fix_DtsJobQueue" will not work.
For those of you running DTS-HD MAS on a Mac and suffering from the unresolved time bomb fiasco, I think the following explanation and script may help you better cope with the situation.

As widely known, the DTS-HD Encoder Suite has stopped working as of 1 January 2021. In case you run it on a virtual machine (for instance, VMware Fusion or Parallels Desktop), make sure that virtual machine does not synchronize its clock with the host Mac computer, or the following script may fail. Disconnecting the network adapter is unnecessary and not recommended.

Now, copy the following script:


date1=$(date +%m)
date2=$(date +%d)
date3=$(date +%H)
date4=$(date +%M)
sudo date $date1$date2$date3$date4$date5
open "/Applications/DTS/"
sudo ntpdate -u

Open TextEdit and paste the script. Save the script as /Applications/DTS/DTSEncoder_RunAsDateIn2020.command. Quit TextEdit.

Now, each time you need to run DTS-HD MAS, simply double-click the script. It will open a Terminal window and then ask for your administrative password. Once you enter it, the Mac OS X clock will be set to the same time and date as today's, but back in 2020. Next, the script will launch DTS-HD MAS and it will work without encoding errors. Once you are done, quit DTS-HD MAS and go to the open Terminal window. Re-enter your administrative password, and your Mac OS X clock will be set to today's date and time. Then, quit Terminal. Done. Enjoy.
Not a 'pending' error, still I wonder if anybody has met the following error message?

'Error 18 - Unknown exception'

Time capsule problem is sorted out, all network devices disabled, program starts okay. Java version seems to have no influence, tried with legacy Java SE 6 as well as with the latest Java SE 8 (32-bit, indeed). Same problem occurs on two different (Windows 10) computers (very different hardware but same environment and settings). Running the .exe-s in Windows 7 compatibility mode didn't help, either. Background processes checked, no double copies running, whatsoever.

Project would be 48kHz 5.1 dtshd generation, input files are okay, playable in any music player.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
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Hey everyone, just a heads up that a new patch was released a while back. It fixes both the time bomb and network device errors.
You can grab it here:

For the Java version, you can use the free and still supported Azul Zulu Java 8 LTS instead of Oracle’s Java. Check it out here:

It works fine on Linux and Intel Macs via Crossover (or Wine), and in Parallels on Arm Macs. It also runs with Crossover on an Arm Mac, but the encoding speed drops significantly, by a factor of 8 or more.

Hope this helps!
Hey everyone, just a heads up that a new patch was released a while back. It fixes both the time bomb and network device errors.
You can grab it here:

For the Java version, you can use the free and still supported Azul Zulu Java 8 LTS instead of Oracle’s Java. Check it out here:

It works fine on Linux and Intel Macs via Crossover (or Wine), and in Parallels on Arm Macs. It also runs with Crossover on an Arm Mac, but the encoding speed drops significantly, by a factor of 8 or more.

Hope this helps!
So to be clear you just run the executable file? Is it known to work on Win11?