I realize this thread is mainly intended for postings about QQ members pets & critters. I'd like to temporarily break from that & pass on some info & I'm sure folks will appreciate. However I will start of with something about my own Maddie the Beagle.
She was our first rescue dog. It took about a year to resolve some horrible & painful health problems relating to Beagle Pain Syndrome. She was 6 years old at adoption & we had about 7 good pain free years after that. Naturally when an older dog is turned over to a shelter you can't help wonder what the story might be. I searched google, facebook, shelters hoping to find a matching pic or some info. I never did but that doesn't stop google from trying. Instead of Maddie the Beagle I found Maddie the Coonhound.
She too was an adopted pup by a professional photographer named Theron Humphrey. It seems Maddie had two special talents. One was to remain cool & calm under all conditions. Another was to be able to balance on just about anything. Think of the spare tire on the back of a Jeep or fence post.
As Humprhey traveled across the country on assignments he took Maddie & photographed her a lot. Eventually this turned into a photo book called Maddie on Things.
Then he had this wild idea of building a house, living in it a few years, and move on to build a new one. He has completed his 2nd house & is currently residing in Montana. Take a look
@inspclouseau :
On his official website you can read a round up of this history & current events. I will link to his portfolio overview but certainly check out the other sections:
I think Maddie the Coonhound must be getting up in years. I check for new pics maybe once every few weeks. I know someday I'll read the worst. But for right now, this is one lucky dog.
Disclaimer: I do not know Theron Humprhey & I have no vested interest if you happen to buy one of his books or not. Including the follow up book Maddie Lounging on Things. I just think readers of this thread would appreciate this.