The QQ pet & critters thread...


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Bodhi has fallen to 4th in his group. He needs to be at least 5th to survive the next cut on February 29th.
So please if you find the time vote for Bodhi daily.
Thanks to all that have been voting.

Vote for Bodhi here.
I have been fortunate the last few years to have the two little dogs we have. One is full size, rescue Chihuahua, and the other is a very hairy Chiweenie.
After my little buddy passed a few years ago, a Boston Terrier mix who loved catching frisbees, one of the vet techs had rescued a very sick Chihuahua, nursed him back to health, and gifted to me in my time of heartbreak. I'm happy to say he's now a thriving, energetic -maybe too much so for us old folks, lol- little guy that loves the outdoors and always barks in frustration when I go outside without him.
Bodhi is currently sitting 3rd in his group. The next cut down to 5 is February 29th.
So please keep voting daily for Bodhi.
Thanks to all that have been voting.

Vote for Bodhi here
Gary, when are the dates of the finals. I intend to lay out some cash to help put that wonderful little guy of yours over the top. (Better than spending it on one of Giles' lame Atmos mixes. :ROFLMAO: )

Bodhi's face reminds me so much of my last dearly departed mutt. Here was the old girl at 12 years old, about 6 months before we lost her:

Gary, when are the dates of the finals. I intend to lay out some cash to help put that wonderful little guy of yours over the top. (Better than spending it on one of Giles' lame Atmos mixes. :ROFLMAO: )

Bodhi's face reminds me so much of my last dearly departed mutt. Here was the old girl at 12 years old, about 6 months before we lost her:

View attachment 102290

Beautiful looking dog.
Gary, when are the dates of the finals. I intend to lay out some cash to help put that wonderful little guy of yours over the top. (Better than spending it on one of Giles' lame Atmos mixes. :ROFLMAO: )

Bodhi's face reminds me so much of my last dearly departed mutt. Here was the old girl at 12 years old, about 6 months before we lost her:

View attachment 102290
Beautiful. For four more hours, you can double your votes for your dollars!
Thank you to everyone who has been voting for Bodhi.
I hope you are not getting voter burnout.
We are getting near the end of the competition.
This week Bodhi has to finish 1st or 2nd in his group to move on.
So please if you have the time vote for Bodhi daily.

Vote for Bodhi hereView attachment 102523
Voted but Bodhi is 3rd, he needs more votes!
Hi all. Bodhi is still 3rd in his group. He needs to finish 1 or 2 in his group to move on.
So please if you find the time please vote daily. Bodhi really needs your vote.

Vote for Bodhi here

Here is Bodhi’s rescue photo. As soon as my wife saw this she had to have him.
And he has been one of the best dogs we have ever had.


Thank you all that have been voting for Bodhi.
Hi all. Bodhi is still 3rd in his group. He needs to finish 1 or 2 in his group to move on.
So please if you find the time please vote daily. Bodhi really needs your vote.

Vote for Bodhi here

Here is Bodhi’s rescue photo. As soon as my wife saw this she had to have him.
And he has been one of the best dogs we have ever had.

View attachment 102815
Thank you all that have been voting for Bodhi.
I just kicked in 25 votes. But it didn't move him out 3rd place. :cry: C'mon folks kick in a few $$ if you can to move Bodhi up a notch!
Calling all the pet loving QQ members.
There are just 2 days 12 hours left to vote for Bodie.
If you you are inclined to donate to a worthy cause now is the time. Currently 2 for 1 votes. So you get 2 votes for every dollar you donate.
Bodhi is currently 3rd in his group. He needs to finish 1 or 2 in his group to move on to the next round.
A big thank you to all that have been donating and voting for Bodhi daily.

Vote for Bodhi
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Calling all the pet loving QQ members.
There is just 8 hours left to vote for Bodie.
If you you are inclined to donate to a worthy cause now is the time. Currently 2 for 1 votes. So you get 2 votes for every dollar you donate.
Bodhi is currently 3rd in his group. He needs to finish 1 or 2 in his group to move on to the next round.
A big thank you to all that have been donating and voting for Bodhi daily.
View attachment 102867
Vote for Bodhi

I was just able to "donate" 80 votes. :)