The QQ pet & critters thread...


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Bodhi is in a contest for the cover Modern Dog magazine and would appreciate any votes from QQ members. He is currently in 10th place. You can vote daily.
Thanks to all who voted for Bodhi. If you can find the time Bodhi would appreciate your daily vote.
Bodhi is currently 10th. The next cut will be down to the top 15 vote getters on the 15th of February.
Thanks everyone who has been voting for Bodhi.
He has moved up and is currently in 7th.
So if you can find the time please continue to vote daily.
Thanks again.
Bodhi has moved up to 3rd in his group. I am sure that the QQ members who have voted have really helped Bodhi move up.
And I want to especially thank Sonik Wiz for his 25 vote donation.
Please keep voting for Bodhi.
Thank you all.

Vote for Bodhi here
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Bodhi has moved up to 3rd in his group. I am sure that the QQ members who have voted have really helped Bodhi move up.
And I want to especially thank Sonik Wiz for his 25 vote donation.
Please keep voting for Bodhi.
Thank you all.

Vote for Bodhi here
It looks like Bodhi is a shoe in for top ten. How does it shake out next? Top 5? Top 3? Then Top Dog?
It's Poppy's speying day, a bit dd on National Love Your Pet Day. Hopefully all goes as planned.
Riley, our Cavalier St. Charles Spaniel was spayed 3 wks. ago. The first night is the worst as Cavaliers are an emotional dog. After the 3rd night keeping Riley calm was the hardest part as when she felt better she wanted to play but we couldn’t let her because of her stitches.
Good luck as it will be hard on you for around 2 wks.