The QQ pet & critters thread...


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tons of deer in the mitten state. I think we lead the nation in car / deer crashes. my one and only smuck was like 1 AM --coming home from a Rolling Stones concert no less-
Do Michiganer's have cow,er, deer catchers on the front of their cars? Seems like they should.

Better than the 5 mph bumber of the 70's. Yes.
I haz been claimed.

This is Antonio's sad story for those who are unfamiliar with it:
Thanks for the link. Now I understand better. At least the vid shows Toni being picked up nicely & not being abused.

And funny thing, sort of, cameras are everywhere. They are great at documenting offensive behavior or crimes, but seem pretty much worthless at preventing it. At my daughters previous home they had a Ring doorbell & exterior vid cams on each corner of the house. One time her husband left to get Sunday morning donuts just a few minutes away. He left his side of the garage doors open. Before he even got to the donut shop a black SUV stopped on the street, someone rushed into the garage, raised the other door & stole my daughters new Kia Sarento. All documented on camera. It did no good to catch the thieves. The car was found abandoned after it ran out of gas.

Don't leave garage doors open un-attended. Don't leave keys in your car even if it's parked inside. Don't count on cameras to protect you because they wont. Cats, cars, or diamonds.